Down the halls, walking among the walls
B.J."A" 2 Is an old soul, is an uneducated, indigent, disabled, senior, finding wings once again to soar above the shortcomings of a past, and a long and checkered career that has taken him down many of life's long and winding roads. In an attempt to become a word smith the hope is that you - the reader - will find your own voice.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Down the halls, walking among the walls
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
I have never been to China.
I am unable to fathom the dreams,
I know , I never touched the edges of Her Heart,
Friday, October 22, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Ending I do believe ????

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
B. J. 'A' 2
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Xiao Ling, did bring light into the shadows
Fear - I do believe - created this emotional Elf,
Brendan said...
I like reading your Poems. They are so raw,
FEBURARY 24th 2010 - 2:23 am
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
You are my guiding Light.
Where has the light of life gone ?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Cloudy Days
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Images !
guiding this vessel of mine into a new realm.
Having been a careless driver at the wheel.
How much of this long, winding road is real ?
Saturday, June 19, 2010
What is in a Name ! ?
June 19th 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
I am so sorry I made you cry !
Thursday, May 13, 2010
One Week ?
Could be all there is?
Maybe a day, an hour, just a moment,
then what was, no longer is,
what could have been, never can be.
All becomes lost to the fears,
the uncertainties,
one harbours inside their head,
the mind of prejudices.
You know my China Doll ?, at this stage of life one only wants to fill their remaining days, on this plane, with all the pleasures - be they cerebral, emotional, physical, intellectual or all -that living this life has to offer, to experience them to the fullest the mind, the body is capable of - be they a kind heart, a giving soul, a free spirit, a warm, beautiful smile, a pretty face, a shared moment, a passionate kiss, the beauty of making love to a woman and what it brings to a decaying body and the twilight of ones mind - a beautiful ending to ones days, a glorious sun set to accompany one on their long, never ending journey as they change coarse within life's flow, put on a new coat of many colours - the rainbow of life or a suit of armour - the dark shadows that keep one from seeing the light, letting it take hold of them, permeate every fiber, every atom, every molecule of their being .
I see you as an inspiration and yet I feel that you tend to curtail it's progress as you keep much, I do believe, locked inside and yet let be touched, parts of all that make up the beauty I see, I have felt and do feel and do believe is the true beauty in you. You have taken this old man to heights that a man of age should not attempt to climb, but for you it seems, there is no mountain to high or ocean to deep to stop me from reaching up or reaching down to take hold of you and ride every wave life, with wild abandon, throws upon the shores beneath our feet .
I know that you try - with some restraint - to step out side of that which has been and is the force that keeps you closed, afraid to step beyond that which you feel comfortable with, in order to experience some things you seem to have an aversion to .
They say - whom ever they are - that life is to short and let me confirm that, it is !!!!!, and I realize Xiao Ling, that a lot of what I sing, write, say is far from what you want to hear or see from me, nor is it what you want to accept from me .
Know Xiao Ling,
no matter what
to the table you bring,
with open heart I will sing
a sad and happy song.
With me, I hope you come along,
not be so strong
in your restraint,
with your resolve
to never .
B. J. "A" 2
Saturday, May 8, 2010
This beautiful afternoon , hope was to savour
B.J."A" 2
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Pauline .
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Where are you at .
I've looked into your absolute belief,
it offers me, absolutely no relief
from all that I believe is missing.
From you, all I'd love is passionate kissing.
You say no, and that it's all your choice.
Yet I wonder ?, if your culture is really the voice.
A touch, a feeling, kissing, making love I do believe
is for my benefit - and my perception, does it deceive ?
B.J."A" 2
March 31st 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
The Heart
You pulled on the strings of my heart.
Dragged me from out of the dark.
Laid me before the light of the moon.
Passion and desire, you caused me to swoon.
Xiao Ling, you do bring reason to live
yet I am not sure why ?, to me you give
and keep me at arms length ?
My resolve is losing strength.
I do not know, my Dear, where to go,
for what ever you hold inside, I do not know.
B..J."A" 2
February 28th 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
Delusions .
Perceptions derive - from experiences one has had -
at times skewed by all that has made one sad -
come back to haunt the present, make one feel so bad
on this journey to something different, something new,
a journey out of the past, experiences unlike with you.
Experiences, - I have had many - with you, very few !
It is so very difficult to see through the silence,
through a world apart and all the defence.
I am in a quandary ?, precariously on a fence
not knowing which way to step ?, what is right ?,
and so all I seem to do is - carry on this inner fight
that takes me from then to when, losing all sight,
questioning the innocence, the beauty before me.
Will the past ?, always be the eyes through which I see.
B J "A" 2