Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Black Hole
Is The Past

For One, who lives within all, that is memory.
For One, who lives in the reflections of the past.
For the past is but shadows upon the pages of a story.
For that story becomes a black hole, no word to cast
a light upon all, for all has had the life sucked out
of any possible future, as one stands on the edge to shout,
" set me
free!, let me be!, let the light shine,allow me to see
beyond the reflections, the shadows, allow me the glee
( once shared, yesterday ), to day and tomorrow,
remember yesterday, see the future without sorrow,
even if it is not for you to partake of,
step out and rise above.

Those of us who live in the past,
do so because we do not have the juice,
do so because we do not have the youth,
do so because we do not have the coin
to buy a ticket for that ride into the future.
One, who lives in the past, does so
because there was much life then,
because they believe they know
where it all will go and when.
When is now, it is here!
It is but a rear view mirror.


Is all life being sucked into a black hole?
Will there be a worm, brilliant light in the end?,
inside of this gigantic black hole.
I have been most fortunate
to have walked
among rare and exotic air, pillow talked
with many who have enthralled with their
beautiful energy, spirit and soul, beauty so fair
it gave life meaning, gave cause for one to care,
to peer into misty midnights dressed in the blues
and know all has come - by - how you choose.

B. J. "A" 2
February 26th 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Once upon a time - not so long ago - encountered, was this exotic GU ZHENG. Fate, placed this lovely Instrument, into the hands of an old player, a musician who had been laid to rest, who had lain dormant, frozen in time, among the ashes of reflections of the music he once played, music that created the sights and sounds that made up the visions he now looks into, of his past.
This old man's abilities - decaying, flaccid from so many years of neglect and impotency - came to life, to life with such desire, that it made possible, movements from his tired old mind, mouth, hands and fingers that would play sounds, vibrations of heavenly music, that would sing to the ears of his lost old soul, lifting his spirit to heights once only known to his youth now to extro into the world of the living, once again, fingers - like that of the gods - gliding over this elegant, sweet Instrument, caressing her with whispered strokes, much like those of silent breezes on a clear, worm summer's day as they slide across the quivering strings of this beautiful GU ZHENG, that now - after so brief a moment, making such heavenly articulations -has given up the music, ending the dance, turning down low, the lights that once, where as brilliant as a million suns, and taking the music - silently drifting across the players recollections of tunes they once danced to -and slipping it into the hands of another .
The old musician slips into a cloak of sadness, of dark dirges he puts into his own words, plays from his instrument, - the broken heart - plucking at it's dead strings, bringing to life the blues, the song of his awakening .

B. J."A" 2
February 16th 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

A first

Oriental Charm
A short story
B. J. "A" 2
October 19th 2010

A cold day in the throes of November's embrace, embroiled in the chaos of Winter's decay, life frozen in the icy grips of change, waiting for something to come, something that may never come from that which has gone .
A lone, old man sits in front of a one eyed monster, inside the house that Andrew Carnegie, built for humanity, a house of words, where ideas, history, philosophy, biography, the arts - candy for the eyes and mind ( brush / pen strokes from the minds and hands of the talented and visionary ) - fantasies, facts and fictions, all lying in wait for the hungry, curious and the carnivorous - where his gray matter, now outside, hangs around his temples as he attempts ( in his current state of computer illiteracy ) to glean - from the projections this one eyed monster's brain filters out from all the debris cyber space bombards the human mind with -some semblance of the information he is seeking.
During his searching, a schizophrenic man - a very friendly, giving, knowledgeable man - of his acquaintance ( a man who has for ten years, lived under the stars, the clouds, the black skies of night, beneath rain drops, snow flakes with nothing more then the leaves, the branches of the trees as the roof over his head ) comes up to him , a greeting, an exchange of pleasantries, the rhetoric being light and superficial, then is gone like a summer breeze in winter, back to, from whence he came .
The old man's time is up, the computer shuts down, time to go. Upon his leaving this repository of untold knowledge, he spots this other worldly mind, the man of his acquaintance, sitting at a table with this vision of exquisite, exotic loveliness, an Oriental Beauty, that takes his breath away. The Mind, stops the old man and introduces him to this beautiful young Lady, who stands and offer her hand, a hand the old man tenderly takes in his as he ( in his standard greeting for women and some men ) by, bypassing the hand shake , takes her in his arms and lets a hug be the meaningful greeting he offers, ( she reciprocate without hesitation, even though it is not her custom nor her experience ) the offer any man should extent to a woman he has just met or known for a life time, also to friends, acquaintances, lovers, girlfriends, wives, family and the children of his dreams or of his mistakes .
There seems to be this connection, the old man's heart starts to dance to the beat of a different drummer, a drummer not playing the same drums " The Polish Princess, " drove her drum sticks through, through it's skin and into the very heart of it's beat, as two thousand and seven and " The Princess ," closed their steely doors on the past, on this broken hearted old man, on the year. His heart starts to beat to this new drummer's rhythm as he plays with the energy, soul and spirit, with the thunder and lightning of a young man. The old / young man , who by happenstance, has slipped onto the gorgeous wings of hope and dreams, the ecstasies of a flight of fancy, embarks on a new journey. The embers of what once was a raging inferno, that have, for a long while, been decaying, dyeing, start to flicker and dance, soon becoming the brilliant flames for a passion to live, a desire to give, a reason to share, once again, what has been buried beneath the ashes of all his hopes and dreams, hopes and dreams that where extinguished by the ugly head of prejudices nurtured by preconceived notions, a critically, judgemental, tyrannical parent instilled and a society inflicted upon a tiny, innocent mind and in her maturity, for her lack of an adventurous free spirit .
The old man's heart springs to life, flies into a furious drum solo, a drum solo with a beat that could bring down the house, a solo that would no long be contained , on longer be played upon the stage of his life - alone. There would be a dualism, a duet to entertain the stars. The old man reaches deep within his shattered soul and destroys the bars of that cage which has enfolded all he once was and gave so freely, setting himself free once more, throwing open, wide, his heart's door for this Asian Beauty. His heart beat cries out, " let there be life !, let there be joy !, let me love and be loved ! ", this with the anticipation of fulfilling the dreams of two. They say that you can not buy youth, for your old age, you can not buy love for your emptiness - this may be so but youth and love can ( for a moment anyway ) give you a lift down the roads they now ride , become your companions as you walk the last mile, share their beauty with you even if they never, really ever, give to you pieces of their hearts.
Transference ?, influential energy ?,this old man's Soul, his Spirit, wants to know, regardless, wants to experience one more time, all that they left behind so long ago .
Is there any real intent, without love ?, is indifference the lock ?, can the love of One, be the key for the other ?, too be able to unlock, conquer and over come ? Could these be possibilities ?, become the substance of which a reality - that looms in the not so distant future - will be built upon ?, or where the future may never touch, never find a place to realize it's life's potential, live out it's dream ?
Time has passed, the old man sees, he feels, it begins to show, blinded though, he does know, yet is unwilling to let go of that beautiful taste in his mouth, in his eyes, in his heart, but a taste may be all there will have ever been for him to savour of that delicious meal he so desired to set - with loving care and tender touch upon the palate of his Soul, forever and a day ( although his days are numbered ) - before the eyes of man, but that Love, may never come his way !?
Twelfth month and the old man was given the light, dissipating the shadows that the clouds of uncertainty created over his love of . China Doll, Thanks Giving night, opened the curtains and showed the old man the real world she was living in, looking for, her future, bringing the curtains down upon the illusion he held as he deluded him self in the belief ( against all odds, against his better judgement ) that this young and youthful Beauty, could ever entertain the thought or feeling of love and a lasting relationship with him. The old mans dream and Beauties, goals ( her future ) collided in the light of Thanks Giving night, shattering his rainbow images, each shard, every fragment of, penetrating the fibber of every cell, every atom of his being as de ja vu slapped him in the face, taking him back in time to - two thousand and seven - where a light of similar intensity, from a Princess, burned a great big hole in his heart. Now, once again, burned, scared he lays bleeding upon the wreckage of his own blind and foolish belief that China Doll, or Polish Princess, could ever see past, or even want to see past the image they perceive of this old man .
The old man knew, The Princess, made it clear, he knows, China Doll, makes it clear - he was not good enough, intelligent enough for royalty and he is not young enough or financially secure enough for Lotus Blossom. He realized and realizes these things ( being uneducated, being of low class // being indigent, being old, having walked through this plane for almost twice the number of years as Beauty, ) would eventually become the catalyst, along with the differences that thousands of years of cultural superstitions, beliefs, nurturing and like most of us, the desire to be among youth and youthfulness. We desire to hold, to feel youth in our hands, to caress it, to share in it, to be a part of it even if it has left us far, far behind and of coarse this would lead us eventually to set fire to the tight rope we've been walking, the suspension bridge between our two different worlds, worlds the Lady Princess, and The Lady Lotus Blossom, where never really ready to reconcile, nor willing to over look the differences, as they saw them to be and just take every tidbit, every morsel, every bite, every moment at hand and live it to the fullest, until the moment that they find the essence of the dreams they have been searching for to come their way. The old man, fool that he is, did fall hard for the Princess, and China Doll, unconditional love he gave and did not see any differences that love, consideration, passion and compassion, time and patience could not over come. The old man only saw that their worlds had collided in a beautiful array of kaleidoscopic visions of shapes and colours, that The Ladies, and he had -in spite of some differences - shared a lot of similar interests and had a lot in common .
Back to the here and now, as China Doll, and the old man's parts intermingled, she responding in kind, hugging him back on that fateful day in November 2009, giving him hope and as they became intimately as one, he lived on cloud nine, until it seemed that she was only seeing their differences, even though she was giving into all the things she was indifferent to, allowing him to give to her every nuance of his love for her, of his desire to please her, to pleasure her, to satisfy her. She allowing all these liberties then, now - in hind sight - seems to have been without heart, yet the old man believed that in her allowing all that she did and does, ( the thought, the feeling was and is ) it meant and means that she cared and cares more then it appeared and appears she may have, even though she may really have .
The old man awakens, comes into this world of his, every day - from long hours of sleepless nights - a little sadder, lonelier, heavier of heart, yet no wiser from his dreams, as he continues to believe ( against all odds, reason, intuition and experience ) that what was beautiful in the beginning can be brought back to life, and yet, all the while knowing that one can not - no matter how much energy, heart and soul one's spirit projects ) bring back to life that which was never born, never had life, never lived in the first place .
Foolish old men that they are!, and this foolish old man that he is, knows that he will take every delicious moment China Doll, let him taste, every beautiful memory China's Lotus Blossom, Poland's Princess, and all the other beautiful women who entered and egress ed from his life, granted him, shared with him, gave to him and savour them for ever and a day, keeping the dream of, alive, for without a dream, life it's self and one's dream life becomes - in the Autumn / Winter of one's life - nothing more then a nightmare, where the dust of cremated memories are laid to rest beneath the snows of Winter for all eternity - frozen in time and in his mind .
The old man knows, yet he questions ?, could ?, would ?, spring walk lovingly, hand in had with winter once again ?, would Spring Blossom, passionately, affectionately lay with Autumn Leave, / Old Man Winter ?, The old man knows that many, many worlds, worlds apart, came together and created a new world, some times by happen stance, chaos, fate, some times arranged, some times out of necessity and for survival, some times for more altruistic reasons and some times out of a true and pure love - for other worldly reasons .
The old man knows that it all has come to an End, and is the End of this short story, as China Doll, / Lotus Blossom, searches every nook and cranny of cyber space for every thing the old man is not, a white, young knight, in shinning armour ( nothing like that of this tarnished, war beaten, battle scared old suit of armour ), a man she wants to be a girlfriend to, a lover with, a wife for, all for her future and her future happiness and security. The old man knows all this and so with a heavy heart, a sad soul, a broken spirit, tears in his eyes, he knows that all he can do is to wish for her a speedy and short journey into the realm's of love and being loved, of a successful hunt and a happy future.
Old men never say good bye, they just, one day, lay down and die !, carrying in their memories hoard, all the beauty they where fortunate enough to have shared in and filled their empty lives and plate with .
The old man ( impossible as it may be ) awaits the Dream, to come back, yet will accept the probability that another Dream, could come along and make it possible for one more adventure, one more journey into living within the light, of being living light, of knowing that a Dream, might touch the edges of his reality so that he may, one more time, rejuvenate and renew the forces, the energies that gave light, gave rainbows and meaning to the twilight hours of his remaining days in this plane and on this little blue planet, as it, like life, goes round and around .
The old man knows that he may never look beyond that which he has already been a part of / found, and lost in the blink of an eye, yet one day , who knows ?, he may be found .


In the flickering candle light,
a thousand year old legend
comes to life, caught in my sight
Beauties You brought for my delight.
I watch them radiate as they vibrate, dance
before me, bringing thoughts of You, every night
into my consciousness, my mindfulness of what was.
I see in You, as They, a beauty that would turn the moon,
that would silence song birds, would send them into hiding,
would take a warring man and make him a lover of peace,
the peace that comes out of the love for a beautiful Woman.
A Woman, who's inner beauty surpasses anything the eyes see.
These are what I have observed in you Xiao Ling!
Memories of all we once shared, within me still sing
a song of happiness, happiness to me you did bring.

B. J. "A" 2
February 6th 2011

An Illusion ?, a Delusion ?

Happiness, we believe is held in the arms of another,
father, mother, sister or brother,
aunts, uncles, cousins,
want to be lover, lover or wife,
children, friends,
the good life
or profession.

In search for it, many beat their heads against a wall.
If one can not see it comes from within, they will fall
into a world full of disappointment, despair, heart ache.
From this state, happiness they can not make
become a part of our lives,
no matter how one strives
to achieve this elusive state.
This has been for many, our fate.

B. J. "A" 2
February 3rd 2011

Came this dazzling beautiful Gem, hurtling towards me
tail aglow, streaking across the darkened sky,
bearing an energy that lit up all I could ever want to see.
Her radiance so pure, this I saw in her eye
as a desire rose up in this hardened heart, wanting to be,
with her, to know her, to feel her and fly.

Her soft Soul, and Her warm Spirit, put reason

into the decay of this Winter's season.
Her, wonderful heart lit up the darkness,
reshaped, for me, my universe
as I watched Her, dance with the stars,
dance with the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Mars.

The energy She, exuded was reason to dance through all eternity
as I felt all around me shrivel, turn away, show modesty.

The full Moon's glow paled in comparison to Her beauty.
In fact, as a matter of fact, Lady Moon, turns her back on man
when ever this beautiful Gem, appeared on Her, beams of light,
brightening up the gloomy hours of this One's, long, alone night.

This cosmic Gem, radiated such warmth, gave reason, gave life,
created a joy, made it a delight to walk in Winter's, decay, rife
with unknowns, uncertainties and very little time
to sit down, compose for Her, the perfect rhyme
that could show Her, the rhythms this Solar Wind, plays
upon the shades of this Universe's, dance on rays.

Rays, waves of light from the sun, the planets, the stars
lighting up a beautiful dance I thought could have been ours
If this old Soul, - blinded - thought, would have known
all that this brilliant Gem, offered, She, had shown.
The facets of this lovely Gem, are like a flake of Snow.
In the cold darkness of my life, I came to know

With the heat of my passion, the dawning of Another,- day
the warmth of a son, has come and melted you away.
I look upon the surface of our time and see only a water mark,
an impression of the Gem, the flake of Snow, is but a stark
reminder of the Beauty, I once touched, songs from this Lark, -
so exquisite, so angelic - I once floated among, now in the dark.

B. J. "A" 2
January 27th 2011


Time has offered to us - ALL.
Along the wayside, many of us - FALL.
Time has rapidly passed me by,
has left me behind, in the blink of an eye.

I gave so little thought to time.
Thought - naively - it was all mine.
I wasted so much, let it slip through my fingers.
In times light, I'm not to bright - it figures.

All I'll leave behind is a speck, a flake
of moments for no one's, but my sake.
These moments sitting upon my coat sleeve
are all of my life, I have to leave.

Time is but this old man's fading companion.
Youthfulness, just thought, no longer able to champion
an old soul, no longer able to carry him through,
into realms, into spaces, into something new.

Time is that train we all have been waiting for.
Time, the portal through which we travel,
a look into life and marvel
before it closes the door.

B. J. "A" 2
January 24th 2011