Chapter 145
In a letter to Gail,- 8 Pages
November 19th 2008
Because today is a great day,
sun shinning and shinning company into Vancouver ( southwest first and then to
English Bay ) for a lovely walk and talk and talk with a local artist, then to
round out such a beautiful day, The Princess, and I went to the movies and
watch Body of Lies, and then to bring the curtain down, who’s - certainly not
me – to say, what ( if anything ) an encore – if there be one - may bring ?
After I read that Bill, escaped
his cage, I had to wonder ?, is it possible for me to do the same ! I had to
tell Moneca, about the budges’ escape, stating “ I guess Bill, had all he could
take of the indifference, the rejections, the constant picking at, for Gail
told me that he flew the coop ” to which she did not understand - the story or
my statement – for she had forgotten that I had told her the story of your
purchase of two budgies and naming them
after us because their personalities, actions and reaction where so much like what she had observed of ours.
Anyway Gail, Moneca, finally remembered . but that is life my Dear, and so, my birthday
supper ( beef tenderloin, home fries, broccoli and cheese sauce ) was cooked by
me, ate by me alone with myself for company and companionship. Later that
evening, Moneca, came by with a gift ( her old digital camera ) and a home made
post card - of one of her oil paintings – and staid for an hour or so of pleasant,
social intercourse .
Dad .
Chapter 146
In a letter
to Dad,- 2 Pages
November 19th 2008
As for the rest of my life Dad, - I see the
Polish Princess, from time to time and often wonder why ?
Chapter 147
In a letter
to Dave,- 2 Pages
December 5th 2008
I think Dave, - as you read through the
material I have included – you will find that you are not alone, with your soul
and spirit in turmoil, with your days in discord, and the disharmony of your
nights haunting your dreams along with the dissatisfaction with the state of
your being and life because of the choices made and those fate has laid upon
our shoulders and those that karma permeates every pore of our physical,
psychic and ethereal bodies with .
I will no longer, Bro., let The Polish
Princess, Moneca, or this tired old body nor all of life’s negative influences,
drag me into the black hole of pain and suffering, nor the abyss of depression,
that an unsatisfying existence upon this plane lays at our feet. Life is
difficult enough Dave, without letting these demons rule with impunity and
vicious indifference to our needs, our desires, our dreams They may claw away
at our souls and spirits, they may tear at our skin, they may leave scares on
our psyche, scares that will remind us of ?, - but they ( for me and hopefully you as well ) – will
never devour ( because of our inner strengths ) the meat, the heart of our
being !!!
I am sure Dave, as you read through the shit
I have written, you will see that there is a forging of a steel shield – even though,
scared by many a battle – that will protect, yet still allows freedom of
movement, of choice. If I choose to accept the unacceptable because I would
rather have a little bit of something I want with The Princess, and maybe need
?, then so be it !, the price Bro., is worth it, for it is better then having a
whole lot of nothing, especially when one realizes – from life’s beginning –
that life is just to damn short and gets even more so with the passing of each
waning day .
I do not know what else to say Dave, Dear,
friend, brother, uncle, except, stand up for what you are able, accept what you
are unable to fight for and fuck the rest .
We all have our cross’ to bear !!
You do take good care .
Chapter 148
In a letter to
Moneca,- 2 Pages
December 19th20th21sth
My Dearest Moneca :
I am truly sorry that you have – once again
– become angry with me because of ?, your perception of who you believe me to
be as a human being, as a person, as a man, as your friend, or is it because of
who I am as one of these entities or a combination of all of them ?
I have to tell you Moneca, that it is very,
very hard on me to realize that nothing
I am and nothing I do seems to please you or makes you happy. It troubles me
deeply Moneca, to see, to hear ( from your hostile, thoughtless mouth ) that
all I do and all that I am ( in your mind ), upsets you so, makes you very
angry, disappoints you so, brings out the worst in you, - or is that the best of
you ? – your hostility bringing to the surface, a rhetoric, diatribes’, triads,
speeches that spew out nothing but ridicule, put downs, belittlements,
criticisms of all men’s ( including me ) short comings, – as you perceive them
– flaws, defects, warts, - negative traits that exists in all man / woman kind
I do not know Moneca, but if you truly
believe, deeply, unquestioningly, in the essence, the heart–lessness of your
statements ?, all those you have laid down at my feet, pounded into my brain, of
all that you think I am as a human being, as a person, as a man, as your
friend, I do then have to wonder ?, -based on all that you have stated,
said and say, that seems to upset you,
bothers you, makes you angry, makes you unhappy, makes life for you ( in my
presence ) uncomfortable – why you would bother, waste one moment on ( what you perceive to be ) the likes of me. If
all that you have said, say / claim my presence does to you, makes you feel, I
can understand why you feel that I do not deserve you, do not deserve to have
you share one millisecond of your time with the likes of me, not a spec of your
life, not a flake of your mind, not an atom, not an epithelia of your body, not
a wave of you affections, not a thought of your respect, not an emotion of
consideration – as I have seen and heard you give to all the other men you have
been involved with, seen or are seeing. Considering, Moneca, and with all spoken
/ written above, I think – as much as it pains me so – that you are right in
letting me go, for, it seems to me, I have brought little, to no joy into your
life, little, to no happiness to your spirit and little, to no peace to your
mind, so my Dear, it is time for me to let go of you too .
I know !, I realize Moneca, that I am not
the brightest bulb in the pack, nor am I the sharpest knife in the drawer. I
also know that I come from the wrong side of the tracks ( as far as you are
concerned ), and that I do not fit in with your bourgeois attitude, your
elitist mentality, your social class, your level of self worth or education.
These things I know Moneca, for you have, so many times, told me so, and so I
am very sorry - for I love you so, even though there is certainly no reason (
you have given me ) for me to love you – Moneca, for your words, actions and
reactions - mean to me – that there is positively no place in your heart for
me, no possibility for me to ever, dance with your spirit, sour with your soul,
passionately lay with your being .
You deserve to enjoy all that you do Moneca,
without thoughts of me – when and if ? – dragging you down into the pits of
negativity, expressing to another, as you have done with me, all that troubles
you about those you have been involved with. I do not want to be your pain, be
a burden Moneca, and I do not want you to be my nemesis. All I ever wanted for
you Moneca, and still want for you, is for you to be happy, to find joyous
times, to be at peace and free form all your demons, the ghosts that keep you
bound up tighter then a bongo drum. And if what it takes – as much as it
saddens me – is to become invisible and this state of existence is what it
takes for you to achieve my listed desires for you, to accomplish this, (
reluctantly, with a heavy heart and sad soul ) I will become the invisible man,
St Elmo’s fire, Will-o'-the-wisp, a ghost in the machine,
cosmic dust in the arms of solar winds, history, a flake of an experience, lost
deep in the recesses of your memories hoard. All these things I will be if that
is what it takes .
It is becoming more and more
difficult to tolerate, - and I do tolerate ! – to endure all the feelings
associated with how and what you feel, because of me Moneca, I am speaking of
all the negativity that comes out of you ( verbally and physically ) because of
me – so you say – rightly or wrongly and if you truly believe ( as you have
stated many, many times ) that I am the problem and that letting go of me,
saying goodbye is a choice that you have, then – no matter how much it will /
already has hurt me, maybe even you ?, - make that choice Moneca, and do not
feel bad for you will be doing me a favour – I can finally attempt to let go of
all the grieving, all the pain, all the heart ache all he poems that have been
an iatrical part of our relationship for these two plus years .
May all good things come to you my
Dear !, all through the New Year ( 2009 ) and all those to come .
Bill .
Dearest Moneca : December 20th
I am also sorry Moneca, for, once again, putting
into writing all my thoughts, all my feelings, my understandings, even though I
know, that all, you will disagree with, deny or not even read and that my Dear,
has become aright with me Moneca, for I have finally stopped believing in the
impossible being possible, stopped hoping against all a odds, weaning myself
from this impossible dream. I realize and acknowledge that you have said that
you do not want any more of my writings / poems. I have come to a realization,
an understanding and knowledge as to why you do not want, in writing, what I
have to say about my beliefs, my experiences, my understandings. I believe
Moneca, it is because – and if you are truly the all wise, all knowing,
comprehending, logical, open minded intellect you claim to be, and I believe
you to be – you are afraid to see and acknowledge what I see, you are afraid to
know, as well as I .
Hope, Moneca, was all I had, a beautiful
dream to realize, is what I carried around with me, got me through many a day for
these past two and a half years only to realize now ( maybe throughout it all )
that hope was nothing more then unfulfillable dreams, dreams that have
metamorphosesed into nightmares that I am unable to escape from, nightmares
that will not let go of me nor let me go .
I have always known Moneca, that, – I have
been just part of a game – a pawn am I, in the game that fills, that is a
distraction, that provide some protection from, that clears the way, and in the
end, is sacrificed, at any cost, for any reason and at any time, for the
benefit of the goddess, queen and her desires for .
I realize Moneca, that I may be a one
dimensional man in your eyes, from your point of view and I also believe that
you want a man of many dimensions, a man you are unlikely to find in your
constant search, yet you continue to search and continue to over look what is
before you, in your search – the grass is greener on the other side of the
fence syndrome – for that elusive illusion you have deluded yourself into believing
exists out there, just waiting for you while you let reality slip through your
fingers the real become dust in the wind. I do wish you lots of luck my Dear,
but in listing to all your stories, for these past two plus years, it is
obvious to me that you will not find what you are looking for, yet you will continue
to touch the fringes of that which is
not what you want. I also know Moneca, that you will not accept a man of my
status – me – yet hope and the dreams have kept life flowing through these old
veins of mine and has kept me on this side of life ‘
I have lived within the confines of your
reality Moneca, and I have lived within the ruins of my life, for far to many a
year my Dear, and so, this I say to you now, that it is not necessary for you
to continue to slap me in the face with it all, almost every day that we are in
contact with each other, every time you see me or every time we talk with each
other .
Moneca, my Dear, there is nothing I would
love better, then to say, to write, to experience much happier times with you,
once again, just like those we have – from time to time – known and shared. I
would also love to know a that a happy ending exists for you and for me and for
the us that will never be. All I can see Moneca, is just you and just me –
never the twain shall meet - there is no
us !, painted into the bigger picture by
you or by the hand of fate – as I see it .
These are the random thoughts my Dear, that
have brought to life and to light all that lies before your eyes, upon these
pages before you. The above are the ramblings of a man who has pursued the
impossible for two plus years – you – but reality just kept on coming, slapping
me in the face, at every turn, reality is the theme that has permeated every
line in the above, the reality with you, that I have experienced !!!
I have not !, nor
can I be a figment of your past.
I am the here and
now !, I want us to last,
to be a part of the
future !, to take you to a dream,
create memories !,
beautiful, lasting and serene.
All we are, all we
have been, all we will be
is but a guide, a
coarse, desire to be free
to ride upon the scenes,
in our memories
hoard, to
experience life’s serenities.
I realize, that all
may come to an end and,
- one day -, I will
no longer, even, be your friend.
B. J. “A” 2
December 21st 2008
Dear Moneca : December 21st 2008
I am truly sorry Moneca, that you have found cause for your decision
to – once again –avoid me, ignore me, evade any contact with me, and in your
mind, maybe rightly so .
do hope that before I deliver this letter to you, you will have found it in
your heart to forgive me, - your perceived -, for my transgressions. If this is
not possible for you to do, I will take this opportunity to wish you a great
Christmas and a fantastic New Year .
I am sorry Moneca, that I am who I am and not who you would prefer me to
be, ( that is, if you prefer me to be anything for you ??? ) if I might be so
bold, so presumptive .
You do take good care my Dear .
Bill ,
My Dear :
If only wishing, dreams, prayers, hopes could become
the essence of a desired life ?, I would want for you to transcend what you
believe – and to a small degree, is – our differences, your indifference and ascend
into the heights, – far above – and embrace all that we have in common – our similarities
in tastes and interests and all else that could prevail, in order to bring us
together – be as one in our separateness .
Intractable Dreamer
The least travelled road
I have travelled many a lone and winding road,
which I have carried many a burdensome load.
have made conscious of – the life I did live
made me realize, the strife in me, you give
to, and I suffer through, when I become conscious,
much, I have missed - there is you, there is me, but no us.
seems to be no way for me to recover,
find a way, to get up, to get out and discover
if there could be more to this life ?, for a
man like me
if there is ?, - what chance is there for me to see ?
B. J. “A” 2
December 21st 2008
The Song
Love, the theme, it’s greatness, the equalizer that brings
unsung rhymes, silent voices to the world and sings
of all that we have composed in the dark, recesses of mind
wanting a world, in
turmoil, to be in a state of being kind
to all, bringing differences, indifference to
together, bringing all societies as one voice, to sing society’s
which has been dreamed of by all the good
men throughout history, thoughts we all should
strive to bring to life, make a part of life – if but we
be good men on this planet of, many hearts of wood
B. J. “A” 2
December 21st 2008
A poem for Moneca,- 1 Page
Expectations ?, - Nil !
Yet, I would still love your heart to beat out a tune !,
on a soft bed of multi coloured rose petals.
I would love to feel your heart beat,
midnight till noon,
so softly, sweetly, fragrantly - a bed made of
precious metals
to lay upon, to play upon, to make love on, under
a full moon.
I would love for your thoughts, your feeling
for me to be
a hive, honey combed, filled with sweet
nectar from the bee.
I would love that your feelings for me be a positive
not the negative force, souring the moment,
over powering
the good that could come, that could be the you
would love to experience, the you I thought I knew
- believed lived beneath that mountain of
stone cold
indifference to me, those walls you’ve built,
standing so bold
upon the shoulders so straight, so
beautiful, so strong.
For you, you are always right and I am
always wrong !
That seems to be the guard, essence, the
tune of your song.
B. J. “A” 2
30th 2008
A letter for Moneca,- 1 Page
Dearest Moneca : December 31st 2008
Happy New Year Moneca, !, and to you too
Mat. The witching hour will soon be upon us, the end of two thousand and eighties
is near, two thousand and nine will bring nothing new – I fear - as I watch history
being born and the rest, becoming nothing more then a memory stored .
May the New Year bring with it the power to
bring your dreams to fruition, to see them fulfilled, meet all of your
expectations and if nothing else, give to you what you need, if not what you
want .
Thank you my Dear, Moneca, for bringing over
a Christmas supper – it was good, even thought empty of, and even if alone, on
my own it was consumed and savored, it was done so with delight and the thought
of .
What ever you have in store for New Years ?,
you and Mat, enjoy this Christmas, bubbly libation, that never got to see the
light and to be used to toast the season, and each other, because your other plans got in the way as they did again for
this New Years Eve., even though you knew, long ago, what I had in mind for us
this season. Preferences are in the heart of the choices you make and your
choices for this season clearly indicate were your heart is at, with whom and
whom not Che sara sara .
Happy New Year !!!
Chapter 150
A poem for Moneca,- 1 Page
January 4th
Where is your heart ?
Do you know
?, - my love – wants to reach in
to caress the soft side of your heart.
I do know –
from you – the men, the sin,
what you feel,
where it had it’s start.
From time to
time you have stated – “ life is to short ”
yet – with me
– you let it slip by, I am nothing, but sport ?,
a game you
play for your amusement, for your satisfaction ?
Love is a
force derived from sincerity – positive action.
Friendship is
the expression of that sincerity
and lives on
in a world of crystal clarity !
Oh !, how I
have wished that the surfaces we have shared
could have been crystal clear,
deep as outer space.
Oh !, how I
have wished that you would have truly cared
much, much more and wanted me to
fill a special place
- in the
hollow spaces of that hardened heart of yours –
behind all of
your locked, steel doors.
B. J. “A” 2
January 4th 2009
Chapter 151
In a letter to Joyce,- 2 Pages
January 6th
I wish I could write that my love life, my
emotional life was unscathed by the hands that have ruled, but I can not Joyce,
for I do believe that her writings, that are scrawled all over my walls, tell
the story of finality, of endings .
The Polish Princess - Moneca – has, once
again, settled into her state of avoidance, of ignoring me, being very curt
with me on the phone during my last two occasion I called, along with a half
hearted wave - in response to my waving at her as we where passing each other –
without looking at me as she drove right on by my stopped car, window down to
facilitate communication, in our underground parking lot. There is a message of
some sort ?, in her actions, Joyce. Anyway my Dear, regardless of where she is
at or what she is up to – based on all that I have experienced and endured with
her, from her, especially lately, I have come to the decision – as I am sure
you have seen and read in my rhymes, and letters to you – to give in to her
agenda, her precepts and accept the fate she has laid before my feet – that indicates
I have accepted, what for me ( for the past two years, six months ), has been
unacceptable, intolerable in belief, but, obviously not in practice. I realize,
I am sure I have always known, that I am not a person, a man that could ever
capture her heart, could ever win her over and so my Dear, I am trying so heard
to let go of the dream Joyce, and am resigning myself to living my life on my
own and all alone. Of coarse, there may be a time or two, from time to time,
when there may come a brief interlude where social and physical intercourse might
permeate fleeting moments of my journeys remaining days.
So much for the soap opera that is my life
Joyce, maybe the days of this New Year will allow for some peace of mind .
Melanie .
Chapter 152
Poems to Moneca,- 2
January 10th
Endings ? – I do believe .
is this great, growing, emptiness, filling my soul, –
every fiber, every beat
pounding away at my heart ) –
oppressive weight, bearing down, collapsing my spirit.
is this gigantic hole, where my life used to be –
abyss, a black hole from which there is no escaping
obvious – I no longer ( if ever ) hold a place of any
of any relevance of any meaning.
My spirit knows the tunes, hears the music.
soul wants, so much, to dance, to romance. =
will-o-wisp am I, among the shadows,
upon this plane you and I have traversed.
days, my nights, my hours, my minutes
but hollow places.
feelings, visions, memories,
echo throughout these empty spaces.
again, you have slipped into your silent mode –
you try and avoid, once more , to me become cold.
keep my distance, so as not to anger, to upset you
and will, until you have a change of heart –
this I do,
my love for you will keep me at bay
what troubles you ?, takes wing and flies away.
then – I patiently await the coming of that day.
then – I will reluctantly stay out of your way.
then – I will look to the heavens and pray
my thoughts, my feelings, my beliefs will stay
the realms of possibility and of love
white wings of peace – you know ?, the
carries - hope for all the wars – far above
that seems to be burning down the house of LOVE.
my words, my Dear, I fear, you may never hear !
poor attempt at rhyme – may be a waste of my time !
spirit no longer flying, believe me !, I am not lying !
lines, you’d say are “ silly, isn’t that like you Billy ”
in my head, the latest adjective telling me I am dead !
negative put down, of this foolish old clown,
his attempts at expressing, -
physical, mental, intellectual – his rambling.
B. J. “A” 2
January 10th 2009
Chapter 153
Poems to Moneca,- 2
January 11th
The disappearing Shadow
This Shadow, walked
into the twilight of the Son’s days
accompanying her
into the dawning – enlightening ways.
This year,
the Shadow, became smaller and smaller
as the Son, in
strength, grew, her stature, taller.
At the noon
hour of her strength, confidence and power,
the Shadow, disappeared
beneath her feet that hour.
( Soon it
will be high noon, and Son, will reach her zenith,
then the
Shadow, fades, disappears, vanishes beneath ? )
Bright and
beautiful light from this Son, will shine,
the Shadow, realizing,
never on him, nor will it be mine.
Clouds – from
time to time –have blanketed the Shadow,
and have made
of him, one confused and unhappy fellow.
Can the
Shadow - , like a phoenix rising, climb above
what put him
down, made him a clown, - touch Love.
The one that
has – for two and a half years – said no
to the love,
Shadow, offered, gave and has shown so,
with actions,
with words, with reactions – where’d she go
and with whom,
what more does Shadow, need to know ?
B. J. “A” 2
January 11th 2009
Chapter 154
A letter / poems to
Moneca,- 8 Pages
January 18th
Moneca :
I know Moneca, and so I promise you that
these will be the last words I will write – of my thoughts and feelings – that
will come before your eyes. I promise !
I do not know Moneca, nor do I understand
why you are – once again – shutting me out, avoiding me but I am sure that – in
your mind – you have your reasons, your excuses .
I know Moneca, that when you took a part of
your history and transferred ruminants, flakes of your past, from VCR tape to DVD disk, it brought back a lot of
memories and feelings, disappointments and emotions that, as you edited these
tapes – re-experiencing times and places that you can no longer reach out to nor
touch, except in memory and on these tapes / disk – it brought a sadness (
thoughts of a life now lost ) into your present and future .
I know that with the loss of a great deal of
your money - your future security -
it brought with it doubts, insecurities
and stress that created sadness and a feeling of hopelessness that has left a
big hole in your future .
I know Moneca, that the memories of a time –
Christmases long ago and far away – and a place – Poland ( home family and
friends ) and your childhood, mother, youth and young adulthood – that is but a
ghostly image of it’s former self - and the past that can never reach out,
comfort - in it’s moments of good times – and become parts of your present, nor
fragments of your future. All that once brought you happiness seems not to
touch you here on the shores of this world you now inhabit – Canada, British
Columbia and it’s people – and seems to give little satisfaction, little
pleasure, little to look forward to as you have walked and walk this plane with
many by your side, at your side, but only a select few – one or two – on your
arm or you on theirs for a moment but they never seem to make the grade or last
very long. And so Moneca, I do believe that all the above has contributed to
bringing you down and like so many of us on this planet, I believe that you too
find Christmas time one that brings with it, more unhappiness then it does
happiness and the proof is in the pudding when there are more suicides at this
time of year then any other.
As I said Moneca, in paragraph two of page
one “ I do not know Moneca, nor do I understand why you are – once again –
shutting me out, avoiding me ” I have to wonder if, besides me, some of or all
of the above has been a contributing factor as to why I have been locked out,
shut out – am on the outside of your door, still knocking, still looking to be
invited in .
Look Moneca, as much as I would have loved
to have been by your side, to have comforted and consoled you during your
troubled times in Poland, when your dad did all that he did to you, how he made
you feel, – just like in days of old and your childhood / young adulthood as
well as throughout your life – to hold you in my arms, to defend you against
his negativity and verbal attracts / abuse, to support you in your times of
need but most of all to have enjoyed the adventure as I did on our cross Canada
adventure, a life time ago ! I am sorry that I could not do and could not be
for I was not there Moneca, and if I have not been there for you - here for you
– during anyone of the afore mentioned moments or any other for that matter,
please fore give me for my ineptitudes, for not being there for you, for not
being as perceptive as I should have been, as the man who loves you still – in
spite of - and as the man who has been,
is, and always will be your friend no matter what you feel or think or do .
I can not say for sure Moneca, because I
just do not know if you ever cared or cared enough about me, but I – without
seeming to sound egotistical – believe that your disappointments are with me
and I may have contributed to the
current state of mind you are in – at least with me, for that is all
that I see – that I believe has come on the heels of much disillusionment,
disappointment, much frustration that you have experienced throughout much of
your short lived life. I must say Moneca, that, if I am in anyway, a
contributing factor or am totally responsible for the essence of this, my
hypotheses, my speculation, this hypothetical equation that shows the state of mind that I believe you to
be in, then please forgive me Moneca, for I know not what I had done – this
time – that has, for the third time in as many months, given you reason or
excuse to shut me out, to avoid me, to want not to talk to me or be with me .
Before I carry on Moneca, for I surely will,
now that I am on a roll, please find enclosed the thirty five dollars I paid
for the little statuette of the upper half of a man – representing his heart
and mind – who is supporting, lifting towards the heavens the lady of his
desire, his dreams so that she may spread her wings and fly high above all the
concerns she has for what the lower half of that man might bring to the
relationship. I believe Moneca, that you do not like this Christmas gift nor
appreciate it as you did not, the one I got you last Christmas and so you may
return it to me any time and by any means that suits you and with the money,
buy yourself something more to your tastes and liking .
All that I have ever wanted Moneca, so much
!, was for my love, my desire for you, to bring much happiness into your life,
to bring an ecstasy to you, the likes of which you have never experienced or
known before, not to bring into your life all the anger, all the hostility, the
upsetness, the disappointments I have been made to feel are attributed to me
and are of my making. All this has lead to all the sadness, all the emptiness,
all the unhappiness, all the letters, all the poems that have come from all I
feel I have done and have not done that seems to have created these experiences
What I wanted !- What I got !
I wanted so much from you Moneca, my Dear,
your heart, passion, soul, your love without
I always knew- for me – it wasn’t in you to
to accept me, consider me - with this I have
to live.
I also knew, that for you, I am just above
nothing in the way of a man you’d be desiring
and in your heart, your soul – for me there
is no fire
no flames to ignite – except for my funeral
I know, that somehow, I will have to let you
How to do so ?, I have to tell you, I do not
for you are burned so deeply into this old
To set free, get you out of me, I know not
were to start.
You set fires, and lights flashing under me.
You opened my eyes once more, to let me see
and grow – now it feels, you have set me
and with me, no longer want to be.
I remember the very first time I took you to
A spontaneous act I thought might lead to
That moment, experience clearly stated “ not
a chance ”.
From the first, many moments that could have
been, lost
for me, it has been of heartbreaking,
horrendous cost.
For it has all come to not, nothing has come
to fruition
as my beliefs, my desires – all lived
without intuition.
I though I knew and had an understanding of
I wanted so much for my love to be, so you
could get passed all that life, fate, karma
never gave
and to know Moneca, that with me to the
will be special, all ways and always in my mind.
A lady like you – I am not likely to ever
again find.
I live with all my failures and with your
I live with the regret that I was unable to
fill all
the empty spaces in your life with what you
I am sorry that I had no frame or reference,
no mentor, no higher power upon which to
I am sorry that I had not seen, had not
your messages, lived up to be the man you
looked for
and truly sorry, I am now on the outside of
your door.
I truly wish Moneca, that I had made you
feel special,
that I would have been able to have brought
you through
and past all that has been the forces that
closed you up.
I am truly sorry that you never would see in
the capacity for being the man you wanted me
to be.
can not extricate you from my thoughts, my mind.
seems you have been in my heart for all of time,
permeated my life today and all my lives gone,
the way, seems to be the lyrics of my melancholy song.
was totally locked into you from the first time we met,
the day your beauty’s
graced these eyes and yet
years slipped by, with but a few words, and now
feel, my time has run out, my life’s clock has stopped
you have let it run down and I do not know how
to rejuvenate, rewind, bring
back time that was dropped.
am sorry that I did not give to you, all that I wanted
share with you, all that this life of mine could offer.
know Moneca, as long as I hang on to the memories,
experiences I have enjoyed with you, my soul will die,
little with the passing of each and every day,
until there is nothing left, as you and I fade
nothing more then names in my books of history,
the waning light, in the emptiness of that great night
becomes loss, the eraser of this life and consciousness
know Moneca, I will love you until end days,
be your friend, carry you within my heart
my soul until we step from this plane
onto others, and as pure light, us twain
travel as great waves, as sonic vibrations
to all unknown dimensions
surround us, you being a part of me.
I tell you Monica, for it will be - for all eternity !
scraps, these specks, these flakes of my thought,
feelings Moneca, are at an end, this is all I’ve got !
apologize for anything written that may not
all the facts or some truth.
realize that you may perceive me as uncouth.
my Dear, that I will no longer bore or trouble you.
B. J. “A” 2
January 18th 2009
Chapter 155
A Poem to Moneca,- 1 Page
January 18th
The pernicious nature of you psyche,
a keen weapon, you so often used on me
How will I ever get past all that I
feel ?
How to make my heart into cold, gray
steel ?
Loving you offered not – but a dead,
end road.
Loving you has become a heartbreaking, heavy load.
No adventures to take - a journey
out of one’s self,
travelling into the heart and soul
of another’s Elf,
self – this you have made so clear
and I always knew,
yet I fell so hard, I fell so longingly,
in love with you.
You took my spirit, my breath away !
I did, willingly, walk upon danger’s
now, nothing more then a forgotten byway
am I, a flake, floating in space - I
do believe,
behind, you now and forever leave
me in this bleak and cathartic state,
leaving me to accept my fate.
B. J. “A” 2
18th 2009
Chapter 156
A letter / poem to Moneca,-2 Pages
January 25th
To Forget
I hope that you know Moneca,
in a New York heartbeat, I would forget every negative word, ever negative act,
ever negative reaction, every rejective
gesture, ever pain filled moment that has built the foundations upon
which you and I – for far to much of us – have existed and are the bases for
all my speculations, all my assumptions, for all the hypotheses I have stated
in poems, in prose and in much of my conversations. Know Moneca, that none of
it carries any weight, except in the ink that has been laid upon all those
pages of cathartic expression, that have come before you. I also want you to
know my Dear, that I would not hesitate to, I would love to walk across the threads
of, the fabric of time, walk among the lights of history, swim upon the waves
and energies of love’s oceans – all these, I would love to do, with you, as my
positive flows with your negative, my light dances with the shadows in your
darkness, my warmth, blankets all the coldness in your world, to have your
water quench all my thirsts, for you be the strength to all my nakedness, to be
the love that takes the hand of my love and fly high above all that you have
placed in the way of an us .
I think you know Moneca, that
one has to accept the fact that they have daemons before they can face them, in
order to battle them, set them free, which in turn, sets themselves free and,
as for me Moneca, all that I have written, all I write, all my words are but my
cathartic annalists, my shaman healers, my exorcists. They all have helped me,
made it possible to accept the reality you have written and continue to write.
They help me make it though the day, make it through the night .
I never intended
to be the source of what made you feel bad.
I never, ever wanted to be the one
who made you sad.
I only, ever, wanted to be all of,
what you never had,
the man who loved you, Dear,
the man you never had to fear.
I have looked all around, into the
reflections of life.
Into the mirrors, I see – your words
cut like a knife.
I followed along, as you created the
by which we would play, the relation
I think ?, by doing so, I was a big
a fool by look, a fool by any other name.
With you, I wanted so much, much
more !,
but cleaver, conniving, shrewd, you,
closed the door.
Upon the wings, upon the strengths
of my love,
it was not only conceivable, it was
possible to rise above
this roller coaster ride, this merry-go-round
that, on many occasion, kept me low, kept me
I would have put my life on the line.
Anywhere, and at any time,
looking for that rhyme,
that reason to see life so sublime.
Now, you are yours, and me, mine.
Together, never a mountain to climb
B. J. “A” 2
January 26th 2009
Chapter 157
In a letter to Joyce,-!
January 27th
First, find enclosed four sheets
of lasered copies photos – the first
page is of my birthday and the events that took place with the Princess, the
second page is of the time we spent a number of quality hours together and the
third page is of Christmas eve, afternoon when Moneca, dropped off my Christmas
present – her son’s old laptop computer – and a Christmas supper that I ate
alone .
Melanie .
Chapter 158
poem for Moneca,-1 Page
January 27th
passing on
I fear not – the shadows, the blackness of
nor the scythe, in the hands of the Grim Reaper.
What I do fear is the loss of Life’s, breath
as days linger on, dragging me, reluctantly,
ever deeper
into the depths of emptiness, as Life,
She, leaves me on my own, all alone, seldom
with me, on the solid ground of equality,
leaving me to feel that my life is but
Many times, I have come before St Peter’s
Arm wrestling with the Grim Reaper, seems, my
Death may be kinder, then what you,
sometimes, state.
I realize that among men, - poorly – me you
do rate
and all I am, who I am – against you do
I do wonder ?, if I am truly – for you an aggravation
or is all I have experienced, figments of my
imagination ?
Is it possible you could rise above ?
With me, find true love ?
B. J. “A” 2
30th 2009
Chapter 159
A poem for
Moneca,-! Page
February 1st
- upon us, a day for Valentine.
– it, you will never be mine.
– you want me, not to be yours.
– you have closed all your doors
the love I have for you, gave to you.
seems to matter not, for nothing I do,
seems to me – had the force to get through,
past the guards, over the stone walls, that gate.
be your Valentines – I believe – not to be my fate.
do not know – at this moment – whether or not, it is hate
drives you so – is it hate that keeps you from me ?,
or is it some other emotion ?, I am unable to
seems to me, no matter what, for you, I will not be
Valentine, nor, with you, will I be any time
and so, at this noon hour, I will end this rhyme,
– still ! – for you to be my Valentine.
B. J. “A” 2
February 1st 2009
Chapter 160
A poem for
Moneca,-3 Pages
February 2nd
A perilous
I do so want to take wing and fly so
high with you.
At every attempt, you took the
opportunity, clipped my wings
until not a feather – nothing but
flesh on pinions that do
not give flight to dreams, – no
feathers – on air, sings
not the pulchritudinous songs of eternal,
blissful love
nor are able to carry the hopeless
romantic above
the grounding that your world of
indifference makes
nor give life to the heart, spirit, soul
that it takes.
Your reality – my Dear, - has been a
very harsh sight
for this one – loving you as I do,
has been quite a fight
in order to maintain some semblance of
knowing that nothing would bring you
closer to me,
in any meaningful, deep, relevant, passionate,
loving way
and so here I stand – irrelevant –
on the outside, every day,
watching, feeling you step
backwards, ever further away
from where I wanted to take you – to always be
your other half, everything in my
dreams – I’d see
visions dancing across inner
screens, - lids of my eyes, -
visions of your naked beauty,
floating in heaven’s skies
far above the mask, the veneer, the façade,
the lies
I know are but the truths of who you are, of
your soul
that believes that every thing I
will ever know
comes at me from the heart of belief
in a truth
that at this man, believed to be so
who has lost out !, because decades
ago – lost his youth.
I have walked within your shadow for
so long –
becoming an intricate part of it –
it’s become my song
it is you, it is me, it is what could have made a we ”,
your heart, in your world, would never be !
have also walked in the light, casting my own shadow,
none of this, do you ever care to know.
know !, we share much in the way of thought,
in the way of tastes, beliefs, experiences - you not !,
you believe, with me, nothing in common doth show
nothing with me do you want to touch, or places
to go.
me, with you, nothing much,
do believe – these my thoughts, as such !
beneath your shadow – sometime – was a trying
experience, sometimes it left me
in tears – crying !
with your shadow, at times, was a beautiful
experience, I will cherish for all
eternity, my life was full.
in the light of the sun – together- side
by side, shadows entwined, dancing,
sharing – nothing to hide
be most illuminating, a most satisfying a ride.
days, the light hides, as do we and our shadows.
Time seems to have unraveled the
dance of our shadows,
as for me, there seems to be – only empty spaces,
an image greets these eyes – of your many faces
and it seems to me, we will not
be going places,
place together that is – journeys, adventures, walks
now – I do believe – there will be no more talks.
ever it was that has brought us to this place,
me Dear, remember this, I will never forget
your face !
B. J. “A” 2
February 2nd 2009
Chapter 161
A poem for
Moneca,-1 Page
February 4th
As a member, a tiny speck, in and of
this species,
a mountainous pile - I do feel ( of
human feces ) –
is - so many, many times – how I am
made to feel.
Are the words, the thoughts, the
feelings really real
and are what is thought of, as the
essence of this one,
or could this be a way, a game you play
for fun ?
I wonder ?, if I am thought of as an
old fool !,
or considered nothing more than a large stool
Upon your social ladder – for me –
not a rung
by which I might stand equal or
Upon a heap – I seem to stand – of human
keeps me at arms length – from finding love.
me, you seem to freeze,
sending a cold and cruel breeze
I am conscious of – you believe I am slow
of what I do not say – believing I do not know.
B. J. “A” 2
February 4th 2009