Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Images of a mind

A mirage.
A portage
between there
and where
one may find
essence of mind.
The subconscious,
the conscious
may not enter.
Doors do hinder.
B. J. “A ” 2
May 5th 2015

Monday, May 4, 2015

Propitious is Auspicious


Could it be ?, as the road doth beckon.
Not likely to ever be again, I do reckon
I will not likely again, know that glory.
Never again be able to write that story.
Of a time, when a young man’s heart turns,
his soul, in transition, constantly yearns
as his spirit, on fire, reaches out, it burns
to the ground, nothing left, that concerns
humanity, in its indifference to life,
it’s journey and that road, rife
with so many great adventures gone wild
in the hands of Mother Nature’s child.
B. J. “A” 2
May 4th 2015