Thursday, July 21, 2016

Bridges burning

Hanging onto the fragile ridge
of your life, under a bridge.

Seeing this, cuts deep like a knife,
filling our hearts with such strife.

Our souls constantly in fear,
our eyes well up in tear.

Watching you fade away
makes us all want to pray

for inner strength,
a vision, at length,

to show you a future,
where you may mature

and leave behind
your world so unkind.

This world of drug abuse
a world that has no use

but to chase down a fix.
For some, to turn tricks.

All in all self-destruction.
No longer able to function

is all that will remain,
for you cannot refrain.

For me, it seems,
dead are your dreams

 as you gather junk, to hoard,
sitting among it, being bored

waiting for someone to steel it
 and then to have another fit

over what you have lost.
This life, not worth the cost.

Light and hope on the horizon.
 I see your spirit free of the prison.

 B. J . “ A ” 2
July 21st 2016