Monday, January 16, 2017

September 2nd, 2016  

Melanie, found herself !!!

Twenty plus years !!!, in a fog.
Many drugs, drug induced stupors
made up most hours of her life !!!

The loss of an appendage
became a door opening,
letting in the long lost light.

My belief is in these words she writes,
“ new life, new hair, back to being me! ”
This, this parent cannot wait to see.

Will she stand tall and strong ???, be free
of all in her life that brought her to be
a drug addict, making wrong choices !!!

Wrong males to become involved with.
 Listening to theirs and the drugs voices.
I cannot wait for these voices to dim !!!

To become inaudible whispers upon the wind,
a wind that will carry these destructive voices,
males, drugs, inner, out into a silent universe.
B. J. “ A ” 2
January 16th 2017