Tuesday, March 14, 2017

A Mother ???

Nothing more than a name, a biological mother.
You would not find, you could not be the other.

You have, with hostility, with anger, left this plane.
Seeming to have lived your life hanging on to the pain.

You chose to throw, all those who loved you, away.
using the hostile, angry games you chose to play,

against the only son you acknowledge, you cared for.
The only Grandchild who cared, you kicked out the door.

One is forced to question ???, why all these wasted years
trying to kill the love, loved one’s gave, creating rivers of tears.

Mae, the ghosts you have harbored, give them release.
Mae, this, your last journey, become one of peace

B. J. “ A ” 2
March 14th 2017

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Essondale, the Riverview
Was designed to be a place of mental wellness, a safe haven,
where hospital patients could sit under a tree and watch a raven
at play, never having to think of what the First Nations lost,
nor just how much the toll, to their healing grounds, it cost.
This healing place, once dealt out such horror, untold abuse.
Not the design of the visionaries, not meant to be its use.
The government shut it down for so many a wasted year.
Thousands of patients, put out on the streets, living in fear
as drug pushers fill their veins with poisons of the day.
Our governments indifference, leaves them no place to stay.
Now the government wants to sell off two thirds of the land
leaving one third of what remains in mental health’s hand
Cities, groups, citizens voices, the government does not hear.
As time approaches, were money in their greedy hand is near.
B. J. “ A ” 2
March 1st 2017