Tuesday, November 23, 2021


A tear drop

 Skies cry, and cry, and cry, and cry.
A tear drop forms, it metamorphoses.
It freezes, becomes a snow flake.
Snow flake upon snow flake upon flake

 merge, become a blanket atop mountains.
Time passes and they again metamorphose
melt, join as one to become a trickle
sliding down the sides of rugged mountains.

 Once again merging with so many to form
streams, brooks and with moving force
become mighty rivers flowing onward,
onward to become a whole, the world oceans.

 Skies cry, and cry, and cry, and cry
for their tear drop no longer innocent and pure
Within them are all the poisons, the pollutions
Mother Earth and mankind have spewed into the air.

 They, the rain, the air we breathe carry within them,
within their genetic makeup, all the poisons, the pollutions
that feed Mother Earth and feed mankind, by his hand,
by his greed, has planted the seeds of our future demise.

 One has to wonder just how wise is mankind ???
He poisons our lands, our seeds, our food stuffs!!!
Organic or animated, it is all the same to corporations.
Fill them with, spray them with chemicals that kill.

B. J. “A 2

November 23rd, 2021

Tuesday, November 2, 2021