Sunday, March 16, 2014

The passing years

Throughout all these passing years, I have had so many fears
as I sent my children – those spiritual pieces of my soul –
out into this old, cold, cruel world, like little, fragile whirlwinds,
to seek out, to explore, to find their places in the sun, yet,
without the forces, without the strengths, without knowledge
without guidance, without direction, without words of wisdom,
they faced life without abilities to move the leaves on the trees,
to rustle the blades of grass upon this beautiful Lady – Earth.
They were not adequately equipped to move the souls
of the men, of the women they had an opportunity to touch.
They just simply became absorbed, devoured by the stronger,
more forceful winds, the hurricanes encountered on their life’s
journey, journeys that dissipated the essence, the value, the meaning,
meanings that got lost forever, as they got carried away by life,
by life’s experiences and the passing of time as time passed away.

Children of my soul, my heart, my spirit, can you see the light ?,
are you able to come back to life once again ?, can you ?,
– my wondering, wandering Girls – stir up a little dust
and throw it into the face of  that golden orb on high ?
Can you reflect a little light upon the movements of this life,
in this time ?, can you shed light upon the self ?, dissipating
some of those gray clouds, those dark shadows that haunt,
let them slip quietly into the black hole of the subconscious
from whence they came and lit up many of our moments,
moments that became the treacherous terrain beneath our feet.

No answers have I, my Girls !!!, just patience and time.

 Linda B.

I know that you want to reach in and feel, – touch with desire for –
with hopes and anticipation of – what for a brief moment,
is but the stuff of clouds drifting by, low, surrounded by the darkness
of this black sky, who may never rise up from the ground to soar high
above all that keeps down the spirit, – like gravity – this man.

B. J. “A ” 2
June 27th 2002

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