Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Heavens
The believers believe Heaven is the place for our soul
and religions tell them so, but do they really know ?,
that the heavens, mans mirrored image of the Milky Way
religious leaders want us to believe - as they say-
that this barren, rocky shore, is where our souls will go,
for all eternity, in cold, distant space, Milky Way to glow.
Apparitions, ghosts, spirits, angels, pure energy, all seem to be,
not in the heavens, but here, all around us, if but we could see.
There are some , who can, – they have the power of third eye sight -
and are able to see, but not you and me, our minds, unable to know, flight.
Sowing Seeds
A soul, searching the sea,
reaches into me, down, deep
to the depth of my life.
What will it find ?, what will it see ?
To the surface, what will creep ?
Will it cut like a keen knife ?
Will my souls begin to bleed ?
Will I find out, my true need ?
Will I plant a positive  seed ?
B. J. “A” 2
April 3rd 2004

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