Saturday, October 12, 2019

Life from down Under

Beneath the turbulent, undulating seas of one’s life,
I have swam, against the ever changing, raging currents.
Many times, without foresight !!!, towards dire consequences.

Looking up from the depths at the underside of wave after wave
rolling over me, watching many a ship pass beneath star lit nights,
finding safe harbours, for brief moments, then moving on into the light

and the arms of new adventures, journeys into the mysteries of life.
Mysteries that this waterlogged, ancient piece of driftwood fathoms not.
This piece of driftwood, not but debris left to decay upon the shores of time lost.

Lost !!!, but never forgotten in the light of day – dreams
reflecting, refracting, sparkling like jewels upon the crest of waves.
Waves that will, across this plane, slip into the body of a safe harbour

and upon sandy shores, bask in the sun light of one’s history.
History, all that is left to a lost, old soul, a wander, an uninhibited free spirit
who has become locked within his memories hoard and the hollow shell of old age.

This spirit looking through the haze of murky H2O and into skies so blue,
remembering, reminiscing, seeing from within the darkness of oceans so deep,
of what once was, of all that could have been a much different life, but was never to be.

Accepting the currents flow, even as the stagnate waters of fate, tend to dictate,
direction, they continue to wash over one as he awaits going into that good night,
without rage he lays among the seaweeds waiting for amphibians to come and turn the page.

Upon land, many gardens were cultivated, planted with millions of seeds.
Those that blossomed gave some beauty that lingered on among the many weeds.
Voids were filled, moments were given freely, life was lived and in the end filled needs

After all is said, that has long been done, the journeys, the adventures, in spite,
were one hell of a ride and now all is said and done, one cannot hide, wrong or right
in all that has been integrated, has become nourishment for all, this old soul just had to feed.
B. J. “A ” 2
March 31st, 2019

Resurrected from the dust,
Revisited, Reviewed and Revised

October 12th, 2019

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