Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Horse Power

A great white Steed, carries the strength of –
The fabled Unicorn, carries the mythical passion of -
The legendary Pegasus, carries ( on wings ) the dreams of –
The Man, in love carries ( on his back ) the weight of –
A Mare, of exotic beauty carries not ( a concern of ) –
for what these fine Animals, carry to her – Love !
Horse power exists, not in a world of air waves,
micro waves, radio waves, solar waves, psychic waves,
the wave of cosmic consciousness and goodbye waves .
With all these horses, permeating the air, how one behaves -
sanely or insanely - to the pull of Love’s forces ?,
is a mystery to many a man and all the above horses
B. J. “A” 2
December 3rd 2008

Fairy Tale
Is this a dream ?, that breaths life into my brain .
Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Juliette, no, Moneca her name.
Romeo, Don Juan, Casanova, Eros, I would claim
to be the inspiration for my Love’s game.
These passionate heroes, ooze a desire to express,
to let love flow from every atom, molecule, nucleus,
every pore, from the very fiber of their soul, their being
 and nothing less, would we be seeing,
radiating energy on beams, on rays from spirit, and eyes.
My soul, my spirit, wants to touch, but only cries
as love walks on by - as shapeless clouds fill the skies.
Realization comes – love’s expression are in the brain –
a synaptic act – ecstasy for some, for me, only pain !
Electric impulse, energizes Cupid’s bow – guide his arrow
towards me, not ! my life to shallow, my being to narrow,
in the mind, in the eyes of the one I seek to love
who says, who claims, who believes she is so far above
this old man she toys with, plays with and cares not
for who I am, emotionally, intellectually, for what I’ve got
I can not seem to sleep passed this dream / nightmare.
I can not seem to sleep through this dream / nightmare

B. J. “A” 2
December 3rd 2008

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