My middle Daughter
My middle Daughter
As I see it, as I have
felt it, as I understand it !
Mandy, is, and certainly has been a closed casket,
a closed book, carrying with her to the grave’
all that is buried deep within her soul,
all the secrets her heart holds,
all the thoughts kept within her minds hoard,
all the feelings encased within her young being.
Except, that is, on rare occasions when a worm,
or two, bores holes into the darkness of her,
below her earth shell, allowing a beam of light,
from within, to reach up and touch the outside world,
enlighten the inquiring minds of, those of us
who would like to know and know the truth.
Mandy, is, and certainly has been a closed casket,
a closed book, carrying with her to the grave’
all that is buried deep within her soul,
all the secrets her heart holds,
all the thoughts kept within her minds hoard,
all the feelings encased within her young being.
Except, that is, on rare occasions when a worm,
or two, bores holes into the darkness of her,
below her earth shell, allowing a beam of light,
from within, to reach up and touch the outside world,
enlighten the inquiring minds of, those of us
who would like to know and know the truth.
Then again, maybe it is
me, just me who lives in a grave,
kept in the darkness, kept from seeing the light,
kept from knowing the truth,
the whole story or the story at all.
Could it be me who keeps it all away from myself ?
kept in the darkness, kept from seeing the light,
kept from knowing the truth,
the whole story or the story at all.
Could it be me who keeps it all away from myself ?
B. J. “A ” 2
November 6th 2001
November 6th 2001
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