Sunday, September 15, 2013

Skies and Eyes

The skies have opened up, they keep on falling.
Upon the retina of the mind’s eye, is the calling
back to memory, times, times one keeps recalling.

How did it all come down to this ?,
wondering why ?, so much of life’s journey, one did miss.
Those moments, long gone, sent off with a soulful kiss.
Strolling upon jagged shorelines, of many forgotten seas,
traversing the depths of thought, thought about life’s mysteries,
that in the end, dew drops dissipating into mists of life’s histories.
Back to that state of cosmic consciousness,
far from all that human kind has made a mess,
of which I am one, this I must confess.
A journey back to Mother Earth and into the Universe,
many find so hard, so words from this bard, in verse
that should take me, maybe you ?, into life, immerse.
B. J. “A ” 2
September 15th 2013

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