Saturday, May 31, 2014


Life’s wonders

 I often wonder ?, when will you let light of day invade your bed.
I often wonder ?, when will you let bright hour penetrate your head
I often wonder ?, when will you let life take hold of you.
I often wonder ?, when will you let it all go – start some things anew.
I often wonder ?, when will you let yourself say “ enough is enough, that will do”.
I often wonder ?, as I often do, what will become, what will you do about you ?
I often wonder ?, then realize – comes to hard, comes to little – never a change,
for all that has come to be, will always remain, within the range
of all that has been planted – stamped within your brain –
will exist, –to a major degree –forever, in the actions / reactions – will remain,
to tell the stories that created the life of a child living in pain,
children who live out their lives, forever shedding tears an everlasting rain
These innocent children / women of today, who cannot seem to escape
all the horrors that brought them down – forever, their souls to rape !,
as they are knocked to the ground, with every misunderstanding
from those who want – are - the power, and commanding
every thought, every action, every minute of their lives, their day.
Escape is hard, difficult, impossible, and so all they do !, is stay
within the clutches of their nightmare, never seeing or seeing another way
for them to escape the grasp, of the consternations dragging then into the fray.

 B. J. “A ” 2
September 2nd 2003

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