Resurrections .
During these
past, fruitless, couple of years,
I have been
revisiting my old thoughts, written in rhyme.
Much of it, I feel,
would bring many to tears.
When I resurrected
these experiences from a past time,
I began to
wonder ?, what was I trying to accomplish
with all, that
now seems to be nothing more than trash
laid out upon
hand written pages, these feelings I did fish
from my
subconscious, my memories hoard, memories I did stash
away, it seems,
for a future day, now brought back into the light.
Some of it makes
me wonder ?, if I ever did, truly, have insight ?,
or were my words,
my phrases, not but, mere refractions
of this person,
my words – upon pieces of paper - are not but reflections
of the person I was
then, the person I now am ?,
who tried my
best to live the best life I can.
B. J. “A” 2
June 1st 2014
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