Friday, June 13, 2014

Daydreams – A day in the life

I awake to a cornucopia of routines,
a lunch basket - of useless habits
carrying me into the realm of, dreamland
a carnival midway full of mirrored visions
that have become imbedded in the sands of, time
representing images of wooden horses,
the essence of a carousel going round and round,
going up and down in my subconscious mind,
night after night, the same themes permeate
my nightly ride in the world of dreams, day or night.
Dreams or reality ?, I am always standing on the outside
fighting for my rights, my perceived place in the universe,
not just to be looking in on, but to be on inside
where I know I once was – yes, on that ride
in the fast lane, were I was in control of the game,
that now is dead for this man, where nothing is the same.
Now, from inside my dreams, I am standing on the outside,
looking in, watching my life pass me by, wondering why
I see others at the helm, at the controls, in control !!!,
making decisions that affect, infect, direct my fate
during the dark hours of night, where it is late,
where I contemplate, wonder why this is my fate ?
Is this the way my life is ?, is this where I let go ?,
where I let it all go ?, I cannot say, I just do not know
if a pawn, in the game of life, is what my dreams show
and that  my dreams are telling me, is, so
that I may see a reality, an undeniable truth
that tells of my wasted years, my wasted youth
and the paths, down which I have gone.
Upon which, no glorious light has shone,
just shadowy, dim light in dark corners
where, in the end, stand no mourners,
not even I, as thought tears fill this eye
and life passes me by, hanging me out to dry,
then, like dust in the wind, to be no more, just a sigh
upon the breath of time, and memories passing by.
B. J. “A ” 2
December 9th 2003

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