– Endings
Out of the darkest
reaches of time and space
came molten
minerals, gasses, rocks, comets
– life traversing
aeons, in suspended animation
across millions of
light years, billions of desolate miles
creating unseen universe
after universe,
creating unseen solar
system after solar system.
Past galaxies,
black holes, quasars, supernovas,
planets with their
moon / moons orbiting.
Time and space expanding,
along side, ride
meteors, comets and star dust.
Star dust,
travelling in time and space
follows a
subconscious wave, a coarse
that has taken
them – particles of life –
into this little
blue planet and all that inhabit.
A fight for life,
in the heat of battles with the gods,
was won, the gods
kicked our ass into the prefect place
as star dust,
eggs, came crashing down
their shells,
shattered, melted away, as they
entered this
little blue planets, once gray, atmosphere.
Upon entering,
having contact with Mother Natures furry,
found their way
into Mother Natures, pot of stew,
within which they
grew, divided and conquered,
after millions and
millions of years of evolution,
mutations, genetic manipulations
that brought out
of the darkness a metamorphous
and their core
essence, the yolk separated.
Separated into
millions of microorganism, atoms,
millions of
diverse cells, that in corporation, became all,
all that we
thought we have known about life on this planet.
Until one fine day
the gods finally got it right
and from the
primordial – chicken gumbo – soup
we animate cells
climbed, and the inanimate cells
lay in stone and
other lifeless – in our view - lives
as we evolved
arms, legs, hands, feet – animal magnetism.
On days – every
thirty six hundred years –
gods were at their
closest point to the slaves they created.
They would come
and tweak our genes until no longer
homo Neanderthal,
ruled, no longer Cro-Magnon ruled,
the gods finally
got it right and homo sapiens rule !!!
After all, we were
created in the likeness of the gods
and did not the
gods rule, and now god rules.
The gods sent
their sons to investigate the progress
of what they had
thrown onto this once barren rock
– our little blue
planet – observe and obtain, to create
change in this
upright creature that crawled out of the seas,
- and they mated
with the daughters of created man –
who, after many
alterations, natural mutations and genetic
manipulations –
evolved from a single cell into an exotic creature
in the oceans, to
this gorgeous mammal, upright upon land
who became the
forefathers of man – from Austaustralopithecus,
Homo-Rudolfensis, Homo Erectus, Neanderthal
and finally us –
Homo Sapiens - Sapiens, the children of the gods,
gods who decided
our fate ( slaves for all eternity ) with their
spaced out wisdom,
and in their likeness, war against each other,
conquer, kill off
nations, drown legions in the red sea, nuke cities
- Sodom and
Gomorrah – wiped out the Earth with a tsunami
or at least, did
little to prevent it, except to give man the ark,
that floating laboratory with its vials of
genetic material, D N A.
I think I am
getting carried away, being a little redundant at times,
but the show must
go on so that we can see man’s journey.
That spaced out
wisdom – genetically create man in our likeness,
our image, we will
give the evolution of man, a jump start,
we will insert, into
his D N A, the essence from our gene pool,
at our science
centre ( the garden of EDEN ) then Adam, and EVE,
the prototypes for
us modern man / woman – the likeness
of us gods.
Enter the sons of
the gods, who found such beauty in the daughter of man,
the creations of
the of their heavenly fathers, and began to lay – sleep –
with them giving
birth to legends, – some horror stories -, creatures,
myths, stories of
good and evil that have become the legacy of man.
We – mankind – are
no better than the gods, the sons of the gods
who brought us out
of our animal magnetism and into consciousness.
We are like them -
the gods, the sons of the gods - as the
and all the following
religions - Adidam5 Ásatrú Atenism Ayyavazhi,
Aztec religion, Bahá'í
Faith, Bön, Buddhism, Cheondoism, Christianity,
Confucianism, Discordianism,
Druidism, Druze, Ancient Egyptian religion
Etruscan religion,
Ancient Greece, Hermeticism.Hinduism, Islam,
Jainism, Judaism
etc., etc. – as well as the Sanskrit, tell us we are.
fight among ourselves for control, for power, for prestige,
for all that we
believe is our god given right as we lay siege
to the lands, the
mineral rights etc., etc., laying waste
to Mother Earth
and man, all that keeps this planet alive,
in our greed, our
desire to dominate, in our haste
to achieve what ?,
what in the end will not help us survive.
What will we learn
?, what will we derive ?
In the final analysis,
will this planet last another million years ?
Or soon be lost,
leaving itself and us in a tsunami of tears
that is about to
drown history, mankind and all,
as, into space,
Mother Earth, her children will fall.
Then, will we see,
truly hear the gods call,
will they save us
?, take us into another hall.
B. J. “A” 2 ( Bill . )
13th 2004
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