We – rivers – you spring, me summer, travel in opposite
You, towards the east- twilight- running, being chased
by the night.I, ever onward, towards the west, being chased by days bright light.
There seems to be little, middle ground, to experience affections,
to feed, to ripen – by days light, by the light of the moon – mushrooms
to ripen, to feed, mystically, magically, to ripen by light of the sun – fruits –
movements towards opposite direction, never grooms
not even affections, affections grow not strong, healthy roots.
Reaching out for that cold, empty orbs glow.
Reaching out for that worm Sol’s ray.
Relationship becomes very difficult to grow.
Rendering these hearts to find another way
to touch, to feel, to be – just being a friend
seems to be the only way- reach an end
to all the uncertainties, to compromise,
desires, expectations, wants, needs – above all, to rise –
at dusks grays, nights blackness – days rays – sunrise.
I sometimes wonder, think about the ghost
that sends you into the security of hour long night
- the reason you seem to need, to take flight –
that time of day you prefer not to host,
those thoughts of darkness – keeping them from sight
during the day’s, bright, healing, sun light,
These ghost, you seem to continually fight.
I keep looking for a day, when all will be alright !!!
B. J. “A” 2
June 12th 2004
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