Once upon a time, a young,
teenaged boy had a dream,
in it, a Black Bird Thunder-ed on by, his it did seem.
Precognitive ?, one
day, in middle age, it was true.
In a Black Bird, on
the open road he would go – he knew.
Then one day, up and
journeyed onward, a head he flew,
the road, before his
wheel, lay ahead, ahead was his view.
Today, no wind in his
long, graying hair, no sun on his head,
just the sounds of
music – silent words on a page instead.
Now my Black Bird no
longer flies, nor does she Thunders.
All that remains,
that is left – a rear view mirror and wonders.
Oh !!!, the stories
she could tell – of a life, a long time ago,
of beauty, of life,
of experiences and all I came to know.
Knowledge of all,
that will, one day, come to an end,
but until then, they
will carry me through – be my friend,
a friend that
accompanies those many empty hours,
brightens up those
gray days before becoming bowers.
B. J. “A” 2
September 20th 2004
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