Friday, March 27, 2015

An end - reached
An end is in sight, it has finally been reached.
Throughout the journey, much was preached.
Back to the beginning, when stories where first told.
Many are far to exposing, are much to bold.
Telling stories of other souls, got some attention.
Telling stories of mine, as well, got some mention.
In the end, one comes to realize, the soul, the spirit
that came to the fore, opened a door, but nothing fit.
A long five years, delving into buried history
opened eyes to, once upon a time, that was the story.
All the stories believed, perceived, brought to light.
All the stories lived, insight did give, slipped out of sight.
Given wings once again, now to take a final flight.
All that lay before, exposed, wrong or right
will, more than likely, go down in silent flames
as one, wordlessly, comes to the end of the games.
It has been an interesting and rewarding journey.
Time to be laid to rest, creativity laid upon a gurney.
Carried off into that great and glorious ether
where all becomes as one, as you and I either
share in the common cause, or go our separate ways,
to make the best out of what are our remaining days.
B. J. “A” 2
March 27th 2015

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