Wednesday, March 11, 2015

- the Mother of Invention -
A Sunday walk took  me on a journey over six miles,
carrying nothing bur myself, shorts, sweat shirt, sandals.
On Monday, to the grocery store and back, over three miles
carrying all the above, plus twenty five pounds of groceries.
On Tuesday, a walk to the auto parts store, over two miles
carrying myself, my cloths and thirty pounds ( clutch  ) of my car.
On Wednesday, another walk to the parts store, over two miles
carrying the above, returning with the thirty pounds of my car.
On Thursday, another walk to the grocery store, over three miles
carrying myself, my cloths, returning with thirty five pounds of groceries.
Thursday evening and a walk to the auto parts store, over two miles
carrying myself, my cloths, plus forty pounds ( flywheel ) of my car.
Late Friday afternoon, another walk to the parts store, two miles
returning with all listed above, the forty pounds of my car.
On Saturday, all my doubts, my insecurities, my fears
disappeared as I laid my car on the cemented terra firma,
fired up her heart and took her into motion once more.
Out the underground door and into the light of day.
Surprise !, not a nut, bolt, washer left over off the jack stands to stay.
For all went well and life, it had become the Mother of Invention.
I accomplished something new, what I thought – at sixty three-
I would never be able to do - ever again – things I did in youth.
There you have it Joyce, another week in the life .
Over a total of thirty miles of walking
and carrying over a total of 220 pounds
B. J. “A” 2
April 30th 2006


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