SO much do I want !!!
Of that which I may never have
Upon the retina of
these eyes
- burned deep, are
the images of your face –.
Upon the synoptic
lays the essence of you
- burned deep into
the psyche of this man -.
Upon the empty hours
of my days, my nights
- my soul cries out,
reaches out to touch you –
- my spirit cries
out in a desire to fly with you –
- my heart cries out
with much love for you –
- my eyes cry out,
they bleed for the sight of you-
- my being cries out
for the gift of love from you –
- my essence cries
out in pain !, knowing that you
reject my love, my
passion, knowing my hope for you
- all lie within the
burning flames of a funeral pyre -
- all of my fallen dreams, of dashed hopes, of
my reveries-.
My dreams, hopes, desires,
reveries, all slain by cruel winds
of time passed, of
experiences, of memories that haunt.
I fear that my dream
will never see the light of day
nor dance among
beams of light, light of the full moon
nor ever mazurka to tunes of love – together as
Fulfilment of
I want to tear down
your stone walls, lift your veil !
I want to kiss away
all the debris – turn your face to the sun.
I would love to kiss your soul,
your spirit, your intellect ,
your inner and outer beauty, your
stone cold heart – buried
behind those icy, steel doors, in
walls erected to protect
that keep me at bay, keep me
away, keep me from touching you.
I would love to kiss the lady,
the artist, the free-spirit within you.
I would love to walk – always –
hand in hand, arm in arm
with all of that which makes up
the beautiful person I see.
I want to kiss to be able to away
all of your past, your pain.
I want to kiss life, back into,
what I feel is stagnant passion.
I want so much to kiss your
gorgeous mouth, your sweet lips,
your pulchritudinous smile, kiss
fire into your Autumn green eyes
and every molecule, every atom,
every strand of your D. N. A.
that has gone into making up the
woman, the beauty, the Moneca.
To eradicate and be able to kiss
my way into the depths,
the depths of your heart, your
life, your acceptance.
I want to kiss away all that seems
to bind you
to your current state of mind –
your desire for aloneness –
that shrouds millions of miles of
empty, shallow, painful
journeys that have brought you to
the edges of this abyss.
Of coarse all the above is but an
old man’s dream,
a desire for a beauty, I delude
myself into believing
I could ever know intimately,
this unattainable illusion
that comes from my pen, that tells a story of, from
the perspective, the desire for,
the experiences with.
That is life !, and what is life
? but the tragedies known,
the joys and pleasures of the
journey that got one there.
B. J. “A ” 2
July 10th 2007
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