Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Moment to Cherish

It came without any connection.
It bore some fruit, a celebration ?
A pleasant moment
came - and it went.
It left without connection.
No expressed affection.
What does it mean ?
This empty scene.

A Moment to Cherish
Left me hollow.
Difficult to swallow.
This hurt heart
became the start
of  questions – why
a tear filled eye ?
Why feeling choke
in my constricted throat ?
Is it repulsion ?
Is it unworthiness ?
B. J. “A” 2
April 23rd 2015

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The very essence of River View.
Troubled souls, intimately knew,
as their distressed lives, their deep scars.
lay imprisoned, behind, cold, steel bars
as they lived out their lives in quiet desperation.
Silently screaming, knowing there was no salvation
until their spirits, their souls reached an end
to the road they travelled, finding the next bend.
B. J. “A ” 2
April 22nd 2015

Friday, April 10, 2015

Heart Beat
And the beat goes on and on.
Fari, belts out the souls song
of all mankind does wrong
to hearts of First Nations throng.
B. J. “A 2
April 10th 2015

Monday, April 6, 2015

A Night with Stars
You will find, at the Eagle Nation Buffet,
an ambiance, a place you would love to stay.
  Where exotic cuisine is at its best
and social intercourse is the test
for one to find soul connections,
great people, sincere affections.
The spirit, the soul’s perfect direction,
being caught happily by the attention.
One wonders, where this journey will lead ?
One wonders, what spiritual need will it feed ?
One wonders, if the soul will – the creed heed ?
One wonders, if life will rise up from this seed ?
Fari, an accomplished actress,
a beautiful Lady, I must confess,
offers a space void of worldly stress
as she holds court over her congress.
A cornucopia of many diverse interesting souls.
A basket of pure energy only the universe knows
except upon the beautiful faces it shows
and the connections that surely grows.
B. J. “A ” 2
April 6th 2015

Thursday, April 2, 2015


May that great, Christ spirit within, be risen?
Let it escape the clutches of our heart’s prison.
Let it not come from the hypocrisy of organized religion
but from a pure, innocent, free soul – let it be freely given.
Let it not come from duplicity, but from the uncontaminated heart
where the Christ spirit, the Christ philosophy within, should start.
B. J. “A” 2
April 2nd 2015

A dream

Ten AM, the Russians came into my bed.
The essence of communism filled my head .
With them - every woman, child and man –
through the labyrinths of time, I ran.
In that moment, just before I awoke,
understanding ???, never a word spoke.
In a semi-conscious state, my head stuffed with pain,
I realized, a serious cold is what fills my brain.
B. J. “A ” 2
April 2nd 2015