Saturday, July 15, 2017

So many moments reflecting
Refracting so many experiences.

The lenses of time’s, evolutionary passing
have become moments of history pressing,
pressing upon one’s memories hoard
within which all has been stored.

There has become this void !!!
Reminiscing may help to avoid.

These memories, lucid, will remain
until more adventures come again
to enliven one to never ever refrain
from moments gone, bringing pain.

There has become this void !!!
Reminiscing may help to avoid.

Memories will enlighten, until I depart
this plane. A journey towards a new start.
Touching the moments You, created for me,
brought your essence, your soul for me to see.

There has become this void !!!
Reminiscing may help to avoid.

Thirty five days, three hundred hours
spent on so many of my days, it towers
above a thousand 3 and ½ by five prints
that illustrates the stories, fabulous hints.

There has become this void !!!
Reminiscing may help to avoid.

Looking into the many adventures, the reminiscence 
of my Beautiful, Daughters, Love, Family presence
that helped make up so many of my nights and days.
For this journey, these adventures to live again, one prays

There has become this void !!!
Reminiscing may help to avoid.

The last image these tired, old, brown eyes  got to see
was my Daughter Gail, hand in the air waving goodbye to me
as I entered the metal body of this giant silver bird
echoing in my ears the voice and every word I heard.

There has become this void !!!
Reminiscing may help to avoid.

The curtain, soon will be coming down upon this play
so that I may then begin to experience a normal day
were thoughts of my Beautiful Daughters, Love
is not fused with all the work I will soon rise above.

B.  J. “ A ” 2
July 15th2027