Sunday, April 25, 2021


An Old Warrior

This old man, sward in hand, takes a stand
against the Provincial, the Municipal man.

The power hungry, with all the appropriate tools,
who treats us, his constituents, his voters as fools.

Our voices are stilled, silenced by political oratory
as they convince us of the sincerity of their story.

They operate, under the radar, with impunity
whether they are innocent or they be guilty.

This old man, sward in hand, takes a stand
against the Provincial, the Municipal man. 

I think that I have reached the end of my rope
as I battle with the powers that be, without hope.

 Three years, ten years without satisfaction,
not the courtesy of a response, nor reaction.

Ignore, and eventually I will simply go away.
This is the game they both choose to play.

 The powers that be will always get their way.
For us old warriors, not much left, but to pray.

 B. J. “A ” 2

April 25th, 2021