Thursday, July 16, 2009



Unbeknownst to you , you touched the deepest recesses of my heart,
such a long time ago, and it seems so far away.
You are the oil that penetrated these old and rusted hinges -
making it possible, to open, once again, the steely doors of my heart.
For what has been a life time, I thought - never again, love to feel, love to experience,
love to express, or to let in the life and light of Love's forces, Love's energies.
All of this happened in the blink of an eye - you cared not to see,
you cared not to hear, you did not want to know.
Blindness now reigns supreme - lost is that beautiful dream.
Nothing but harsh words, words of indifference - a spirit so mean
comes at me in forceful waves, permeating every scene
that you and I - upon life's stage - play out our parts,
in costumes, life's experiences have fashioned for us,
that we - on our journey - have tailored in defence of our soul.
You where the key my Dear, - not ever wanting to be - for fear.
You opened the lock, turned back the clock, opened my heart for me,
and a world - lost for so long - I believed I'd never again see.
Now it all is being destroyed, it is crumbling, soon to be all gone,
and you contend, believe it was all - I who made it go wrong,
caring not to see, wanting not to hear the dirges that have become my song.
Now you want me to let it all go, now you no longer want me to carry on.
Oh how I wanted to undress my heart, my spirit, my soul, all my dreams,
lay them before - naked, free, new born - your eyes ( nothing to hide ).
This I did for you, you did not want to see, you shot them down, them you denied,
told me I was not your friend, told me I did not love you,
told me you only had two friends, Christina, and Randy.
This left me with no place to go - what more is there for me to do ?
Except remember - for me you will always be as sweet as candy,
even though we know, Sweetness, without care - will decay the very fiber -
rot the teeth, that poison the system, contributes to diabetes, that can kill - that's her -
if not one's body, - of experience - the essence of one's spirit, of one's soul.
This - I am sure - like me, many have come - all to well - to know.
The solution, - if nothing comes back to you - is to let it go.

B.J."A" 2
May 15th 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009



The game of avoidance is played so well,
perfected it so, it's very hard to tell
when and if it's on, one does not know.
There is nothing and no one able to show
what comes from - lays deep within the soul.

Because there is a refusal to believe,
it becomes impossible - one can not conceive
what it is that becomes a part of the personality
that will take a relationship, lead it to finality
and never see, perceive what was laid down.

It must be only one way - a set of ground
rules by which one must comply,
or it's over, the relationship must die
a very slow death - from the awareness,
there will never be a closeness.

What does the broken heart do ?,
inside, bury the thoughts of you
so the soul can keep on living,
knowing you will never be giving
in an inch, let alone a foot or two.


Would if I could, take my dreams of you- for you - into a reality I could live
a life, where I could find, that to me you would freely, lovingly give.
Hope is the bastion for Love's desire to carry on.
But in the end - my love - it is lost, it is gone.
You where the inspiration for change, yet change inspired you not
You where the fertilizer for the growth of love, yet it, you never got.
The dance of passion swings on notes of Love's song,
if it is to have true fulfillment, then one must belong,
otherwise it's just a dance, and passion is - but less romance.
I've sent my love, in rays of brilliant light.
You have hidden away, in the darkness of night.
You have - it seems - walked away from romance,
and with me, have only had one dance.
And now, for me there is not a chance.

B.J."A" 2

April 26th 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Percieved Realities.


We live in a world full of superficiality.
This world, we have created, becomes our reality.
The end result will become humanities fatality.
No one escapes their plot, the play they have created.
The end result ?, - will be what is fated
by their indifference to life, their lack of love
for what has come to them, form here or above.
Superficiality, indifference is a denial of reality,
a reality that will find for them no commonality.


I have, I did, I would clip the wings of my ego,
my pride , I have set adrift in stormy seas, let it go
for a desire, for a life time, of you to get to know
far beyond that which you have, you are willing to show.

We have - from time to time - had a moment to touch.
For you , it was to let it slip by - it was to much
to let yourself go, be free, to let yourself come to show
the heart - I still believe is buried deep within your soul.

Denied Pain

I hear the pain, in all the stories - to me you told.
I see you bury your feelings, - your spirit, your ego so bold -
that true feelings, real emotions will never unfold.

Life's experiences have come and made your heart so cold,
hard as steel, made it feel empty and dead.
The only place for you to live, is inside your head.
Indifference, high expections - all have fed,
fueled the fires - no one is good enough to fill desires
you have - I know - waiting in the wings,
never to find - the lyrics your heart never sings,
to your heart, love for you - it seems - never brings,
has never brought to you - except arrows, that stings
the very fiber of your soul.

B.J."A" 2

July 10th 2009

Never to blossom

The Seeds of Love Blossoming

There was this awakening of, in two thousand and one.
It gave birth to feelings, long gone, thought was done.
Eight years later, it all came down to this !,
never an emotion given - accepted - not a tough, not a kiss.

Never a time - for you and I, never a moment - for bliss.

I ran so hard, and so blind, towards that beautiful Dream,
only to find out that it was not, but a dried up stream.

Last night you convinced - no question about it - me
no light will ever shine upon - for this one to see
beyond that beautiful Black Hole,
I have come - so well - to know.

That - I guess - is how the winds of Fate, blow.

B.J."A" 2

July 9th 2009