Wednesday, December 8, 2021


Shadows of the past

Fleeting glimpses of a Beauty, shadows quickly slips by.
Memories of a time, come alive, in the corner of my eye
coalesce for a moment, then ashes upon the winds of time. 

Years have wasted away, hanging on, letting go, this rhyme,
the final voice to say so, will allow Beauty, to become the past.
Always wondering why memories of, remained so steadfast.

Clinging tightly to experiences of what was, no longer can be.
Will this be, the closing of this book, will this soul finally see
the folly of clinging to a dream that dissipates upon awakening.

B. J. “A2

 D 20ecember 8th,21

Tuesday, November 23, 2021


A tear drop

 Skies cry, and cry, and cry, and cry.
A tear drop forms, it metamorphoses.
It freezes, becomes a snow flake.
Snow flake upon snow flake upon flake

 merge, become a blanket atop mountains.
Time passes and they again metamorphose
melt, join as one to become a trickle
sliding down the sides of rugged mountains.

 Once again merging with so many to form
streams, brooks and with moving force
become mighty rivers flowing onward,
onward to become a whole, the world oceans.

 Skies cry, and cry, and cry, and cry
for their tear drop no longer innocent and pure
Within them are all the poisons, the pollutions
Mother Earth and mankind have spewed into the air.

 They, the rain, the air we breathe carry within them,
within their genetic makeup, all the poisons, the pollutions
that feed Mother Earth and feed mankind, by his hand,
by his greed, has planted the seeds of our future demise.

 One has to wonder just how wise is mankind ???
He poisons our lands, our seeds, our food stuffs!!!
Organic or animated, it is all the same to corporations.
Fill them with, spray them with chemicals that kill.

B. J. “A 2

November 23rd, 2021

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Monday, August 30, 2021


Life’s experiences .

 Life’s moments, on the run, a caterpillar
becomes a chrysalis slipping into the future
after years of hibernating in memories hoard.

After years, and years having slowly slipped by,
out of the chrysalis emerges a beautiful butterfly,
carrying on its rainbow coloured, gossamer wings,

into the ether, where voices, lyrics  so clearly sings,
of, brings to the fore, memories, for so long buried
beneath ones years, experience hidden, long carried

 B. J. “A2

August 30th. 2021

Tuesday, July 27, 2021




Slipping from our feeble hand,
fall thousands of grains of sand.

Tumbling past our finger tips.
Always on their own trips.

Guided by the hand of fate
towards our life’s final state

upon this little blue planet, this plane.
A journey leaving behind all the pain

once felt throughout time, inflicted,
lingering on, dwelled upon, conflicted.

B. J. “A” 2

July 27th, 2021

Friday, July 16, 2021

Sunday, May 9, 2021


Dementia vs. Alzheimer's

Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life.

Alzheimer's is the most common cause of dementia. Alzheimer's is a specific disease. Dementia is not.

Could these diseases be a prelude to Birth ???
A time when we lived with cosmic consciousness.
A time when we lived within the primordial ooze,
the security of our biological mother’s womb.

We first see the harsh light of our days
as we slip through the holy of holies,
that gap between our mother’s legs.
The world we knew, lost for ever.

 A new consciousness begins to take hold
and before long, awareness is what we’ve been told.
Brain washing created the creatures we have become.
We are but the influences, the dictates, the whims of some.

Many have stood up, stand on their own feet, never succumb.
Live out their lives on their own terms, suddenly they are numb.
Life’s journey, experiences, memories become elusive hallucinations.
Many live in an empty box, white walls void of meaning, no illuminations

 Dementia, Alzheimer's, a scourge upon man’s life, his brain.
No longer will memories of the here and now remain.
No longer will man be what he was, never again
to know, to recall as it all goes down the drain.

In this dark world of Dementia, Alzheimer's, filled with pain.
Inside ones head, anxiety, frustration fears, and tears falling like rain
as one hangs, desperately, tooth and nail, onto specks, slivers of life’s refrain,
realizing, in moments of lucidity, there is little, to nothing much, one is able to gain .

B. J. “A ” 2

April 9th, 2021

Sunday, April 25, 2021


An Old Warrior

This old man, sward in hand, takes a stand
against the Provincial, the Municipal man.

The power hungry, with all the appropriate tools,
who treats us, his constituents, his voters as fools.

Our voices are stilled, silenced by political oratory
as they convince us of the sincerity of their story.

They operate, under the radar, with impunity
whether they are innocent or they be guilty.

This old man, sward in hand, takes a stand
against the Provincial, the Municipal man. 

I think that I have reached the end of my rope
as I battle with the powers that be, without hope.

 Three years, ten years without satisfaction,
not the courtesy of a response, nor reaction.

Ignore, and eventually I will simply go away.
This is the game they both choose to play.

 The powers that be will always get their way.
For us old warriors, not much left, but to pray.

 B. J. “A ” 2

April 25th, 2021

Friday, March 5, 2021


Life ???

Is not but a series of fractured illusions, shadows emanating from time immemorial.
Slithering in and out of times passage between sun’s rise and sun slipping beneath the horizon.

Shadows no longer represent anything , for they have permeated, instigated, become an intricate,
Inseparable part of the darkness, a black hole, which became an elaborate part of the subconscious desire.

Splinters of one’s being, fragments of one’s essence pressed between the pages of one’s history.
A history reflected upon shards from broken mirrors that once was reality, now filling empty spaces.

Spaces that once, as a hole, refracted the moments that resembled images of a reality, are now put pieces.
Pieces of a puzzle that made up the heart, soul and essence of mankind that we thought we did know.

B. J. “A ” 2

November 27th, 2020

Thursday, March 4, 2021


Life behind these eyes

This old body, harboured among so many artifacts.
My Spirit wanders the spaces within my four cornered rooms.

My Soul searches for meaning beyond the bars of my steel cage.  .
My heart beats against the walls of my memories hoard.

Blood pumping, awakening the essence of what is stored.
My nights becoming the life what should be my days.

Slipping my mind into neutral, sound and electromagnetic waves carry.
Living vicariously through the eyes, imaginations, the talents of others.

Writers producers, directors, camera create and bring to the screen.
That one eyed monster, the cathode tube that carries one beyond.

Awareness of space time continuum, its linear journey lost to me.
Consciousness of times passing no longer has any relevance. 

Seconds into minutes, hours, days, weeks months, years, a lifetime
One elongated stream, without destination, meaning or substance.

Carried off into the sun set, carried on the wings of solar winds.
Particles of time, connected, never seen by these tired old eyes.

Reaching, with both hands into the ether, the four corners of this universe.
Habits, rituals, routines dominate, no longer cognizant of times movements.

 Days have become night, many hours spent in a bed of water.
Lost in dream land, where the subconscious brings to life ones history.

 Stories told, be they positive, negative, indifferent or be they illusions.
A surrealistic representations of unfinished business, of desired unfulfilled.

On occasion, a vision, a premonition, something beyond a reflection.
For the most part, a desire to, once again, to experience the essence of.

Passions, desires, a life no longer afforded a disabled, indigent senior.
Only in the images played out upon the back of ones eye lids.

Painted upon canvases, woven into tapestries, displayed on TV screens.
Phantasmagorias that elucidate a life, some regrets, a life consumed.

B. J. “A ” 2

January 24ht, 2021

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

We delude ourselves.

 There is an act that is supposed to protect our privacy.
It is, in the larger scheme of thing, not but a fantasy.

It is not but a means to have us feel safe, an illusion.
This act can be circumvented, simply, confusion.

All one has to do is take the time and apply.
The powers that be, simple for them to spy.

As they secretly do, always keeping a watchful eye.
Open, searching violating the privacy of you and I.

Privacy ???, with the governments eye in the sky.
Cameras on the roads, in buildings, privacy but a lie

Big brother is watching us !!!
There is nothing left to discuss

B. J. “A ” 2

  February 24th 2021