Friday, October 28, 2016

A journey

What a troubled ride
we will take.

When the chauffer is pride
… make no mistake.

B. J. “A” 2
October 28th, 2016

All that remains, for some of us,

Are but moments to cherish and live.
For that is all that our life has to give.

All that remains, the rest,
we should savour, take the best

out of all that has been stored
in the halls of our memories hoard.

All else, acknowledged, let go of.
Propelled aloft on the wings of a dove.

With this love, in our heart,
easy to rise above ... a new start

that will take us past our history,
allowing us to create a better story

to be told, to those we leave behind,
as we move on to a new plane and find

out, that sometimes we were not so kind.
Will this haunt theirs ?, or just our mind ?

B. J. “A” 2
October 28th, 2016

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Possible Futures

For some of us, what was to be our future?,
now lies upon the decomposing pages of our past.

We have let it slip through our fingers,
like sand slipping through the neck of an hour glass.

The only reminder, dust clinging to its inside walls.
Hazy, delusional images of what could have, should have been.

Unfortunately !!!, never to be lived, never to be seen,
upon the undulating waves, the mirrored image of this plane.

And so we walk through this life waiting to come around again,
knowing what now exists for us are but moments to live.

This being all that we, life, karma, fate, the universe has to give
us, us who have left our dreams, our future in the hands of destiny.

B. J. “ A ” 2
October 19th 2016

Monday, October 3, 2016

Discerning Eyes

So beautiful are many a woman’s derrière.
Perfectly shaped, full, round and oh so fair.

A sculpture worthy of the masters, beyond compare.
The sight of, brings men’s minds, his eyes to stare

 at such wonder, the beauty of Mother Natures design
and the desire of oh so many, wishing it were mine

to pat, to caress, to admire, to compliment, to define.
But alas, never to touch, unless the lady be so kind.

Giving ecstasy to every man’s desirous mind.
Allowing him to define, in order to refine

his insatiable taste
without any haste.

B. J. “A” 2
October 3rd 2016


That is life

Times have informed me, “ you will reap what you sow ”.
Times passing – these words, deep – I have come to know.

Throughout the years, many moments have come to show,
throughout time, my progenies’ tears, they come and they go

throwing life’s rivers into raging torrents as it doth flow
towards unknown planes, new dimension that doth glow,

in their darkness, as spirits, as souls begin a journey to grow
until we all come back to that place which we once did know

B. J. “A ” 2
October 3rd 2016