Tuesday, December 10, 2019


The open road once beckoned this soul.
Many, many a journey towards adventures.
Miles and miles upon the surface of this continent.
Flying by the seat of my pants to destinations unknown.

Now, this black ribbon, upon which I gallop
leads to not but many familiar places, familiar faces,
as the road calls me, every day, to retrace my tire tracks.
Going over the same old ground, a rut going round and around.

B. J. “A ” 2
December 10th, 2019

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Resurrect little vignettes of what once was a reality.
Dreams sometimes became the reality of one’s life.

Dreams have longed waned, become shadows of a man,
a man slipping into the ether, the reality of emptiness

as he sits on the bench, observing life through windows,
of life  passing by, most of, gone in the blink of an eye.

Reminiscing of days, adventures following so many sun rises.
Only today, to become journeys for this son’s setting,

over the beauty, the darkness, the heart aches, over the joys
as surrealistic visions shine upon a long and checkered career.

One wonders just what awaits at the end of this long, decaying pier
as he traverses the last path, the long winding road, as he comes near.

B. J. “A ” 2
November 6th , 2019

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Life from down Under

Beneath the turbulent, undulating seas of one’s life,
I have swam, against the ever changing, raging currents.
Many times, without foresight !!!, towards dire consequences.

Looking up from the depths at the underside of wave after wave
rolling over me, watching many a ship pass beneath star lit nights,
finding safe harbours, for brief moments, then moving on into the light

and the arms of new adventures, journeys into the mysteries of life.
Mysteries that this waterlogged, ancient piece of driftwood fathoms not.
This piece of driftwood, not but debris left to decay upon the shores of time lost.

Lost !!!, but never forgotten in the light of day – dreams
reflecting, refracting, sparkling like jewels upon the crest of waves.
Waves that will, across this plane, slip into the body of a safe harbour

and upon sandy shores, bask in the sun light of one’s history.
History, all that is left to a lost, old soul, a wander, an uninhibited free spirit
who has become locked within his memories hoard and the hollow shell of old age.

This spirit looking through the haze of murky H2O and into skies so blue,
remembering, reminiscing, seeing from within the darkness of oceans so deep,
of what once was, of all that could have been a much different life, but was never to be.

Accepting the currents flow, even as the stagnate waters of fate, tend to dictate,
direction, they continue to wash over one as he awaits going into that good night,
without rage he lays among the seaweeds waiting for amphibians to come and turn the page.

Upon land, many gardens were cultivated, planted with millions of seeds.
Those that blossomed gave some beauty that lingered on among the many weeds.
Voids were filled, moments were given freely, life was lived and in the end filled needs

After all is said, that has long been done, the journeys, the adventures, in spite,
were one hell of a ride and now all is said and done, one cannot hide, wrong or right
in all that has been integrated, has become nourishment for all, this old soul just had to feed.
B. J. “A ” 2
March 31st, 2019

Resurrected from the dust,
Revisited, Reviewed and Revised

October 12th, 2019

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The world of old men


Sun has set on many a man’s passion for kissing.
Caressing beautiful, soft lips, we all are missing.

Electricity, once generated, on longer the song.
This, the fate of many old agers is so very wrong

when men, when women still have a burning desire.
The flesh may be weak, even if the spirit is on fire.

 B. J. “A ” 2
August 28th, 2019

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

One’s ??? Seeds

Where planted, years ago, in troubled soil,
A Garden, overwhelmed by such turmoil.

Two Roses, sprouted from these flawed seeds.
The Garden, was unable to nourish their needs.

One Rose, plagued by phobias, anxiety and fears.
The other, a victim of life's weeds, a world of tears.

This appointed Gardner, has tried to do his best.
Time has left him feeling elapsed, laid to rest.

No longer thought of as a family member ???
History, no longer taking time to remember.

The winds of time blowing the soil away.
No ground upon which to stand and pray.

How does One, cope ???
When there seems little hope.
B. J. “A ” 2
August 27th, 2019

Monday, March 25, 2019

Sounds of Silence !
Where did it all go wrong ?
What brought on this Silence ?

Bitter is the taste of cold, gray winds of silence.
A formidable force that harbours shadows.
Shadows fragment, splinter, dissipate with times passing.

Time becoming the purveyor of so many questions.
Questions that receive no answers from the wind,
receive no answers from the unlit halls of silence.

Silence, enslaver of the story that could be told.
A story Silence has deemed to never set free,
remaining buried deep within its sarcophagus.

No birth realized from that prevailing, cold wind.
Still born is the essence, the heart of the story.
Yesterday, now flying upon the wings of history.

Those yesterdays will, it seems, never metamorphose
into a future, not any kind of actively shared future
as the story rides bareback upon the cold winds of Silence.

I am truly unable to fathom the essence, of this silence,
the depth of thought, of experience that gave it birth.
I know not the currents that drove all upon the jagged edge.

B. J. “A ” 2
March 25th 2019

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

My friend Rae

On 13th, day, 3rd, month, 1973, I lost Rae.
I was 30 years old on that sad, fateful day.

30 years later, on a river, I relived that time.
On a bolder, I told him to let go, in a rhyme,

it was time to depart, let go of the pain.
Spirit wondering here, nothing to gain.

Forty six years have now past, I pray
his Soul, in this dimension , did not stay.

That he is no longer wandering the river, Grand.
That he is at peace, among the angles he doth stand.
B. J. “A ” 2
March 13th, 2019

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

One’s Life Journey ???

One’s Life Journey comes on waves of reflection,
as one’s adventures come to their end days.

Days, that were but a stage upon which one plays
out experiences, sometimes they eluded detection.

Experiences remembered, sometimes shattered
into a million pieces, splinters of a broken mirror

reflecting moments upon those shards, scattered
throughout ones universe, a movie of horror,

of delight, of pleasures, of spiritual treasures,
of a life lived without a plan, a nowhere man

who has walked this plane, leaving behind pain
for some, for others, did not know what was to come.

All was left behind, an act that was so unkind
to many, a daunting revelation for this old mind.

Life's Journey comes on waves of reflection,
experiences, sometimes they eluded detection

as one hides among the darkest of shadows
where only the truths of, he seldom knows.
B. J. “A ” 2
January 23rd, 2019