Sunday, December 23, 2012

Twice has been enough

Twice, I would have loved to dance across the threshold
of reality – first time - with a Polish Princess,
who captivated my mind, captured my heart.
Twice, I would have loved to dance across the threshold
of reality – second time – with a Chinese Lotus Blossom,
an exquisite, exotic Beauty, who stole my heart.
The dances I envisioned would have taken either,
if willing, into the fantastic realms of the surrealistic.
Worlds of the unimaginable, where visions are so clear,
colours, shapes so vivid, so profound, so invigorating
they take one’s breath away as we trip the light fantastic
upon the essence of light, of sound, of sight, of life
beyond our beliefs and what we are forced to endure,
forasmuch as our human limitations – imposed by ?, –
will carry us. Is it the hand of the gods ?, the hand of fate
the essence of our genes, our nature, our nurturing
or are our limitations self imposed ?,
by the hands of our own understanding, our own history.
The dances I dreamed of, with either, are but an illusion
I have deluded myself with, in order to rise above
their lack of love for what and who I am, for me.
Now both are just memories, they’ve become history
and all that is left for me, is to be their friend,
a friend in deed, when in need.

B. J. “A” 2

December 23rd, 2012

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