Wednesday, June 24, 2009

From within - all life come to light .


Before the womb of Mother Nature, stands
two offspring's, feeding off her old life's hands
One day, a long way down the road of time's passing
they will stand tall before the memory of her place .


A flower before the beauty of Motherhood,
one day, a month ago, before me stood .
To day, in the photo, the vision became clear
as I enlarged the picture, bring it near .
Life's journey, before these eyes, was there
for all to see, if but should they care .
Imagination in me runs wild
at the sight of man's stillborn child
looking out at me from within her vagina,
past the beauty that is all vulva .
This unborn child - so old - of man,
his skeletal skull, eyes so sad

slipping into dust, as all before had,
kissing the lips all life passes by
on it's long, long journey to be .
This unborn child - so old - of man
reaching up it seems, trying to hang on,
but out into the light we all must go,
past the gap between Mothers legs
we must, he must, as dust, fly
out into the great expanse, of blue sky,
living a life fated, dictated, or chosen .

This in a photo - this day - caught my eye .

B.J. "A" 2

May 24th 2009

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