Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Sun Bathing
There is this brilliant gem hanging on high,
radiating down upon me from a clear blue sky.
It takes me back and into a time
when laying in fields, on river banks was sublime.
On a spit I sit, going around, browning under the sun.
Not a care, a worry, no obligations – there are none
as I read history, of the future and contemplate,
what is it that Nostradamus, predicts as our fate ?
Being showered upon by shades of soft, pink flakes,
flowered blossoms light as spring air, no mistakes
by Mother Nature, on her journey – brought down
by springs cool breezes that keep blowing around,
kissing, glistening, crystal spheres, upon a body browned
by the noon hour sun, making the hour feel so good
as all of life’s moments, upon this plane, should.
I lay here, absorbing the waves of musical sound.
Music has been, is, and will always be my companion
until a time when we become a part of the All, to champion
that which lays among the essence of another plane
that will carry us beyond all of our todays pain .
That plane, the beginning and never ending sojourn
that takes us around and around, our souls to turn
into a part of the whole, a place we will never yearn
to depart from, never again needing to know concern.
B. J. “A ” 2
April 26th 2005

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