Thursday, March 12, 2015

Oh what a tangled web – the tapestry you weave.
Built upon shifting sands – those stories you tell to deceive.
They change colours, faster than a chameleon can.
In the light of day, they have, not a leg to stand
upon which one may walk with truth in hand.
Declining Desire
Thank you for a hand, raisin a waning wieny,
for paying lip service to resur-erection of the dying.
Thank you for taking into your motherhood, my little man,
allowing him to feel, to touch, to give as much as he can.
  Thank you for taking in his homeless dreams, for the moment,
for within me there is no dreams and within you
their dreams will not but touch the silver lining
before their little souls, with their big dreams, ascend
into all the universes, trying to find more than an end.
B. J. “A” 2
May 19th 2006

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