Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Date ,before that fateful day
- 3rd Month, 13th Day ,1973
so long ago, 30 years .

 Time, in its passing, has eroded life into grains of sand.
From its former, mountainous self, soon upon this land,
in a short while, those grains will become dust in the hand.
To be scattered to the four corners of this earth, then beyond,
to become cosmic particles, specks of light waves, here, there, gone.
A journey to penetrate, be absorbed, become an energy force that will
become the motion that moves life onward, into another journey, to fill,
from then to when, motivated by the past, long lost to one named Bill,
conscious of, yet seldom glimpsed in reflections of the present
or to become a positive, motivating force, into the future sent.
Yet, every day, in every way the forces do play – right or wrong,
destructive or creative good or bad, mistakes and all the song
that influences the moments, the motions, the movements  that dictate
the minutes in which we pass on, the past into the future and create.


As these words have taken a life into fight, to flow,
from whence they came I cannot say, I do not know,
for I am not, but a shell, nothing more than a nowhere man,
who does believe, that he has done the best that he can,
yet, in the scheme of things, goes nowhere, has so little to show
for a life time of living on the grounds of his nowhere land,
yet he sees, but still judges life by another’s hand,
and upon this earth has nowhere to take a stand
among this world of the lost and the alone man.
Who the heck am I ?, to think that I might go.
Who the heck am I, I wonder ?, what do I know ?,
about life being lightning and thunder, and so ???


 Tomorrow is the thirteenth – thirty years
have slipped on by and the world is full of tears
for what the river holds, is it filled with the fears
of the unknown ?, is that what kept you hanging on ?,
to this plain, a place, a space that should long be gone
from this world we knew, you no longer know, can’t get beyond,
or is it just me ?, is it just feelings ?, just thought ?,
of a long lost friend I have no longer got,
whom, I hope, has taken that step, and peace sought.

 B. J. “A” 2
3rd Month 12th Day 2003

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